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I've had this post sitting part done for four days, my bad.

Supergirl was arguable my favorite Superhero while growing up, ok she was tied with Rogue (cartoon version not movie), I'm even ashamed to admit that I loved the Supergirl movie as a kid and I wanted to be her. Seriously she could take on anyone, and a young woman being just as powerful as a fully grown man just spoke to me in ways you wouldn't understand.

So then I grew up, rewatched it and realised it was terrible. Such a terrible movie, so when I heard about a TV show being made I thought, "Not again." Maybe I've just been scarred too many times when it comes to my favorite superheroes (don't get me started on The Amazing Spider-Man 2), and I've become cynical of anything made outside Marvel Studios. But I may have been wrong to be so defeatist about this project.

Seriously, I am trying not to jinx it by having hope. I want it to be good, I want a Superhero that I and millions of other woman across the globe can tune in and look up to. I want Supergirl to be great, and I don't want to be lied to or given false hope by the trailer. My fingers are crossed for you Supergirl, the trailer does not disappoint but I'm always cautious when it's something so close to my heart.

Check out the trailer below, Supergirl starts 26th of October.


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