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Darth Clone?


So The Force Awakens is less than three months away and there are more than a few theories out there in the great world wide web. One so much theory is that the biggest villain in cinematic history shall be returning to our screens. How could this be possible you may say?

Vader, at the end of Return of the Jedi saved his son, killed Emperor Palpatine, and provided balance to the force as was his destiny. His body was also burned in a funeral pyre by Luke (as seen below) so how could he be brought back?

Well in the trailer we see Vader's helmet, and a hooded figure hoovering over said helmet. This could possibly be the new villain of the franchise Kylo Ren who is said to be obsessed with Vader, styling himself and his helmet after him. He could possibly just be collecting Vader items, but the theory is that he (through the course of The Force Awakens and possibly beyond) is trying to clone Vader. But is this possible?

Well of course it is, as we seen in the prequels it is very much possible to clone in the Star Wars universe. The process is what brought down the Galactic republic but this does not mean that it will be 100% Vader as clones are never completely the same as the original. Clones can also be altered in personality and physical attributes so it could be Vader 2.0. We have the technology, we can make him better than he was!

Or he could turn out like Boba Fett and be a completely unaltered clone. Who knows? Maybe he'll be a baby and be raised by Kylo Ren, wouldn't that be weird a little Vader baby? Maybe he'll be a fully grown adult like the rest of the clones in the prequels. Who knows? Maybe we'll even get to see what Hayden Christensen can do with a good production team behind him.

What do you think will happen? Don't be afraid to comment below. I think it would be interesting to see but remember Kylo Ren is no Sith so maybe all he is trying to do is absorb Vader's power left behind in specific artefacts, Helmet included. We'll just have to wait and see.

Check out December 18th.



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