I've been watching out for this trailer for the past week and was pretty excited to see some footage from the new season. Instead we got to see the faces of characters, some of whom are long lost, and others who have yet to leave us. SPOILER WARNING for those who haven't caught up with season five.
The trailer takes place in the Hall of Faces, which is inside the House of Black and White in Braavos. The hall looks great, creepy but great. We can hear some whispers which are too quiet for me to make out. Then Ned's (Sean Bean) face appears on screen, we then hear him say a line from the show's first ever episode called Winter is Coming.
"The Man who passes the sentence should swing the sword."
"I've won every battle, but I'm losing this war."
I'm going to talk about Catelyn (Michelle Fairley) at the end of this post as I am going to bring up a plot from the book and I don't want to spoil it for TV fans. Joffrey (Jack Gleeson) comes after Catelyn, and his face is besides Tywin (Charles Dance). The scenes begin to get shorter as the stopwatch gets even louder, Joffrey then gives a quote which is also from Season Three, anyone beginning to see a pattern?
"Everyone is mine to torment."

Then the moment every fan lost their minds, well I did. All we are seeing is faces of people we know are dead, then Jon Snow (Kit Harington) appears and for a brief moment we thought he was confirmed dead. I think Ygritte (Rose Leslie) is next to him but after watching it a bunch of times I'm beginning to second guess myself, he is definitely situated next to Stannis (Stephen Dillane). The quote Jon has is actually not from season three, instead it is from season five during the episode Hardhome. The stopwatch continues to tick louder and then it sounds like it grounds to a halt.
"The Long Night is coming..."
"...and the dead come with it."
The main cast's faces then appear, is it coincidence that the dead take up most of this episode and the living are all in the one shot together? No it is not coincidence, I think this trailer is full of foreshadowing. The dead may rise to help the living, they may want to hurt them instead, but whatever happens I am going to be glued to my seat.
If you look back on at all the clips a pattern starts to emerge, the dialogue for each character has been taken from the season in which they died. Yes, Ned was only in the first season but for the other characters and Joffrey, whose line was from season three actually died at the beginning of season four but that is probably because all his dialogue in season four is wedding related... maybe... damn it, this theory fell apart. Let's just go with, these characters said these lines just prior to their deaths, so does this confirm that Jon Snow is actually 100% dead? I think it does.
The stopwatch was a great subtle touch, we have all been waiting for some retribution and the clock ending means we finally might get some. After last season we might all believe that the good guys can't possibly win this battle, but as Robb so poetically points out in this trailer, it's not the battles we should be concerning ourselves with, it's the war.
Below is my take on the Catelyn Stark scene and what it could possibly mean for the show. If you like this thread or have any season six theories then please feel free to comment below and check out some of my similar reviews.
My Jon Snow Predictions - http://mcqsviews.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/so-whats-happening-with-jon.html
Civil War Trailer Breakdown - http://mcqsviews.blogspot.co.uk/2016/02/united-we-stand-captain-america-civil.html
When Catelyn showed up in this trailer all I couldn't take my eyes off the stone archway around her, I may have to dust off the old tinfoil hat but to me the stone looks like a dark grey cloak around her face. I understand I may be reading way too much into this one shot but even after watching this multiple times for this review I still think it looks like a cloak. Could this be foreshadowing Lady Stoneheart? I doubt it, but I just had to put it out there just incase. The line we hear is from, you guessed it, season three. It also sounds very Stoneheart esq. as the stopwatch sound, which started with Robb, grows much louder.
"Show them how it feels, to loose what they love."
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