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Gotham Season 2 Episode 2


So our episode opens with Theo Galavan (James Frain) who has the mayors head in a box, he gives him two choices, tarantula eats his face off or he phones his assistant and tells her he's running away with his lover. The mayor quite rightly chooses the second option, much to my happiness as even typing the word tarantula gives me the shivers. We find out that Theo is on a mission to cleanse the city of it's corruption, by killing all those who are corrupt. Maybe he sees himself as the Frank Castle of Gotham but I doubt this guy is the hero type.

We then cut to the Gotham Chronicle to a newspaper editor is in a bad mood and is looking for a story, unbeknownst to him people seems to be flying by the window. We then go to the roof where our Maniax, Jerome Valeska (Cameron Monaghan), Aaron Helzinger (Stink Fisher), Arnold Dobkins (Will Brill), and Robert Greenwood ( Dustin Ybarra) are throwing these people off the roof in order to spell Maniax! Yes they even brought a spare. We then go to a briefing about our Maniax at GCPD Headquarters, Gordon (Benjamin McKenzie) is tasked by Commissioner Essen (Zabryna Guevara) to find these Maniax and put a stop to them.

We then go back to the Maniax lair and Theo is trying to train the boys theatrics from future TV appearances. He seems pretty happy when Jerome nails it and Tigress (Jessica Lucas) and Barbara Kean (Erin Richards) seem to be torturing the poor mayor who still has a box on his head. At Wayne Manor Bruce (David Mazouz) and Alfred (Sean Pertwee) are in the Bat Cave, Bruce want's to turn on computers to expose Bruce Enterprises and find any clues to who killed his parents. Alfred destroys the computers, he wants to protect Bruce and feels that it would be suicide to follow down the path he is on. Bruce then fires Alfred on the spot. Poor Alfred!

Back with the Maniax Jerome and Robert (the cannibal) are fighting with a sword and a chainsaw. They both want to lead so Theo makes them play Russian Roulette with Jerome being the victor as he does this three times in a row. That boy is seriously cuckoo. Gordon and Bullock (Donal Logue) are then having a chat, Jim wants Harvey to come help the GCPD catch the Maniax, he refuses but gives Jim a new lead by suggesting the shipyards are key.

This leads Jim to figure out the vehicle the Maniax are using which then leads him to save a school bus filled with cheerleaders. It also leads to Arnold Dobkins being left behind and then shot in the head by Tigress (who is a superb shot may I add). We then get to see my favorite character of the series Edward Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) ask Kristen Kringle (Chelsea Spack) a question, it ends up being about flies. This leads her to leave (even though we all know she likes him) and for Nygma to have another Gollum moment which a police officer walks in on. Oops.

Poor Alfred is sitting at the train station, he looks like a wee lost sheep. Bruce then appears, he tells Alfred that he knows he was only trying to protect him but he is going to do this and Alfred can either accept it or get out of his way. Bruce then asks Alfred to train him, which Alfred agrees to do as long as Bruce agrees to do what he says, no exceptions. Bruce also then orders Alfred to fix the computer he broke. Back at the GCPD Lee (Morena Baccarin) is doing an autopsy on Arnold Dobkins, after Gordon tells her he loves her and she says it back she looks guilty. What does she have to look guilty about?

Alfred then appears in a bar next to Lucius Fox (Chris Chalk), they exchange pleasantries, and Alfred tells Lucius he was just thinking about him, which seems like it's no coincidence. Alfred then basically threatens him, telling Lucius he has to confide in him but doesn't know if he can trust him. If it turns out he can't be trusted he'll kill Lucius, then he asks how he is at fixing computers.

Back at the GCPD Barbara calls Gordon, turns out she's in the police station and Gordon follows her outside. Then everyone in the police station more or less gets killed by the Maniax while Gordon gets beat up in an alley by Aaron. Looks like Barbara wanted to save him from impending gun fire, but she tells him she's not sick while Lee ends up having to hide in her lab. Nygma saves Kringle from being killed. Jerome then ties up the commissioner and kills his camera man for taking his lines. He's crazy!

Jim wakes up in an alley all beaten and bloody. He makes his way back to find the commissioner dead from a gunshot wound. Back in Wayne Manor Lucius and Bruce are in the bat cave. Lucius is fixing the computer that Alfred smashed to bits and Bruce asks him about his father. Turns out Lucius and Thomas Wayne had a never ask questions policy, similar to the one he shares in the future with Bruce. Alfred then bursts in and tells Bruce what happened at the GCPD.

Bruce then appears at GCPD. He seems relieved that Gordon is alive, apologises for all the bad stuff he said to him in episode one and gives him a hug. Harvey Bullock also appears at the GCPD with his crime fighting hat in toe. Gordon seems happy to see him but doesn't want to push him into coming back, but Harvey has already made up his mind. Then we see Jerome on TV as crazy and funny as ever, the villains have definitely risen.

So overall I liked this episode, especially the parts with our villians. It was action filled and the story was solid, I'm excited for episode three. I liked that we had slightly more Nygma this episode as he is my favorite character in the series. I also liked the dynamic between Alfred and Bruce, I felt genuinely sorry for Alfred as he sat there with his wee suitcase in the train station. I also liked all of Jerome's scenes as I enjoy watching a crazy Jokers rise. I missed the Penguin and Selina in this episode but I'm sure they'll be back next week. Also does this mean it's Commissioner Gordon now?But all in all very well done guys.



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