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Scotlands Comic Con 2015

So on Sunday I got to go to my first ever Comic Con. I had no idea what to expect, and I never expected to see half the stuff I did. Can I just say ladies, we DO NOT need to dress like we're trolling the street corner, but more power to you all for having the confidence to walk around like that. I would have probably been way too self conscious to pull costumes like that off. I've always wanted to dress as Wonder Woman for Halloween but I always choose something else at the last minute as I get way too scared.

So firstly I felt old, so bloody well old. Like you have no idea. I also felt very underdressed as I was wearing jeans which were three times too big, a t-shirt which was also too big and you guessed it a checkered shirt which was too big. I wasn't there to look good, I was there to be comfy, and damn it I was! Yes 1/4 of the crowd was dressed just like me but if I had more warning (got tickets a few days beforehand) I probably would have dressed up.

Now I have all my pet peeves out the way let's continue shall we? I really enjoyed it, besides nearly seeing what one lady had from breakfast. The stalls were great, the artwork was absolutely amazing. I kept going between stalls and just wanting to buy every piece of artwork. I however am not made of money so I ended up only being able to buy a few pieces. But if I had the cash I would have bought way more stuff. Here is some of the shinies we bought.

My favorite thing has got to be the Tyrion picture, as he just stands there on a mound of bones a Cersei watches (there some red around her, maybe he's stabbed her). Gambit is pretty cool too but that belongs to my partner. He got really excited when he saw the pic. As you can see we are fans on Hydra in this house, I wanted a pin but decided a t-shirt would be much better. So the stalls are great and the comic book artists are amazing, I was staring a bit too much as an artist drew a picture at her booth, she may have found me creepy.

Now onto the costumes, well besides my objections they were pretty great. The most popular costumes seemed to be both Deadpool and Harley Quinn, but I didn't get a photo of any of them. My bad. There were just so many that the nostalgia wore off. I was desperately trying to find someone dressed as Hit Girl to get a photo with but no one dawned the costume. Most women as I said where dressed as Harley and most girls had an Elsa outfit on. Ah well there's always next year.

The guy dressed as Boba was spot on, and he was the only Boba I encountered that day. Which I found strange. He was also really nice about me posing like a complete idiot next to him. My other favorites include a full on Dalek (I was so scared of him, he had the voice and everything), a guy dress like Captain Tarfful and a woman dressed as the Winter Soldier (I kept meaning to get a picture with her). Most of the other costumes where all Anime related, and if you like that sort of thing good on yeh but I have never watched any anime in my life, and had no scooby who anyone was dressed up as. Sorry.

This guy was so tall I thought any picture we may be in together might be compromised by my head being well you can imagine. I would have been roasting walking around in that costume all day, I was really warm myself and remember what I said I was wearing? Poor guy. I also only encountered one real looking Stormtrooper, I was so tired by this photo I never noticed the gun at my face. Otherwise I would have posed with my hands up.

My highlight of the full day had to be meeting Robert Llewellyn, ok staring at Robert Llewellyn while my partner told him how long he's been watching Red Dwarf and how much he loves Kryten. I couldn't get a word in edgeways but if I did it would probably sound some like "Blahahmahoonah!" It really must have seemed like I was just there to hold the bags and the camera but I really do LOVE Red Dwarf and wished I could have asked him a few questions myself. I mean this is how excited I was in the queue.

He seemed like a guy you could really have a pint with, or even sit down with a cup of tea, and he was also nice enough to take a picture with John who looks super nervous in this photo. He was also nice enough to tell us that they were filming Red Dwarf XI shortly and he had to get into acting mode for it as he doesn't act anymore, well besides from Kryten. I'm sure you'd be great in anything else you try Mr Llewellyn. Top bloke.

Now that's what I did on Sunday, overall I had a great time, even if it wasn't San Diego and would really recommend that everyone go to there local Comic Con and see what there local talent can do. I will definitely be going next year and there's talk we may go to London next month, that was before we found out about there's a Star Wars convention later in the year. Ah so much geek, so little time!


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