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Showing posts from September, 2015

Gotham Season 2 Episode 2

SPOILER WARNING!!!! So our episode opens with Theo Galavan (James Frain) who has the mayors head in a box, he gives him two choices, tarantula eats his face off or he phones his assistant and tells her he's running away with his lover. The mayor quite rightly chooses the second option, much to my happiness as even typing the word tarantula gives me the shivers. We find out that Theo is on a mission to cleanse the city of it's corruption, by killing all those who are corrupt. Maybe he sees himself as the Frank Castle of Gotham but I doubt this guy is the hero type. We then cut to the Gotham Chronicle to a newspaper editor is in a bad mood and is looking for a story, unbeknownst to him people seems to be flying by the window. We then go to the roof where our Maniax, Jerome Valeska (Cameron Monaghan), Aaron Helzinger (Stink Fisher), Arnold Dobkins (Will Brill), and Robert Greenwood ( Dustin Ybarra) are throwing these people off the roof in order to spell Maniax! Yes they

Scotlands Comic Con 2015

So on Sunday I got to go to my first ever Comic Con. I had no idea what to expect, and I never expected to see half the stuff I did. Can I just say ladies, we DO NOT need to dress like we're trolling the street corner, but more power to you all for having the confidence to walk around like that. I would have probably been way too self conscious to pull costumes like that off. I've always wanted to dress as Wonder Woman for Halloween but I always choose something else at the last minute as I get way too scared. So firstly I felt old, so bloody well old. Like you have no idea. I also felt very underdressed as I was wearing jeans which were three times too big, a t-shirt which was also too big and you guessed it a checkered shirt which was too big. I wasn't there to look good, I was there to be comfy, and damn it I was! Yes 1/4 of the crowd was dressed just like me but if I had more warning (got tickets a few days beforehand) I probably would have dressed up. No

X files Promo!

Watching the promo my reaction was WHAT? For those of you who haven't seen it SPOILERS ARE COMING! So we open with Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) as she receives a phone call from Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) to say he's here (did he have to phone, I mean she was right there). Then we're treated to mysterious clips, a plane with a freaky colour change, and cameras are everywhere. It seems as though the government is spying on everyone, they never learn do they? Then we see the return of Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi) who tells Mulder to do something about the danger he's found himself in. Is it just me or does it look like the FBI have put Skinner in the basement? If this is the case it may mean he is now head of the X-files, I know most of you are going to say they were destroyed but come on, they have been shut down before. Also it seem that in true X-files fashion it seems Mulder is looking for the conspiracy and Scully is looking at things rationall

Once Upon A Time Season 5 Episode 1

This episode was just so great throughout, with all it's twists and turns. I'd give it five stars. I'm now going to be talking about specifics so SPOILERS ARE COMING! Don't say I didn't warn you. So the episode starts in Minneapolis in 1989, Emma and other foster kids are in a cinema watching The Sword and The Stone. She seems to be jealous of kids with sweets and steals some chocolate for herself. Then an usher appears from nowhere and tells Emma not to do it, she must not remove excalibre and then he vanishes in a puff of smoke. We are then taken to the Enchanted Forest where Arthur, Lancelot (remember season 2, Cora apparently killed him ages ago and pretended to be him so does this mean he's really alive?) and a bunch of the other Knights of the round table are on trying to find excalibre. They find it but someone else has gotten there first. A Knight tries to take the sword for himself but was deemed not worthy so he turns to dust. Arthur (Li

Heroes Reborn Premiere Review

I'm going to do a quick overview along with my thoughts on this episode.  SPOILERS ARE COMING! YEH BE WARNED!  What can I say? I was super excited for this series, as I absolutely loved Heroes, but I won't sugar-coat it, I was a tad disappointed. Maybe it was just me building it way up in my head and maybe just like the old show this is going to take a few episodes for me to get into. I don't know, I think it will be different for me on a rewatch. I definitely enjoyed the performances, but something felt missing. So it starts off a few years after the original when humans and evos are living in harmony and a festival is being held in Odessa, Texas (home to primatech) for Humans and Evo's to come together. Then suddenly a dark cloud or ship appears over head. Noah Bennett (Jack Coleman) then wakes up to destruction all around him, he has survived and we have no idea what has happened or why he has survived. We then see four flashbacks which I personally didn&#

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Ghostbusters that's who! I don't know about you but I am pumped for this movie. Woman taking on male driven franchises is a great thing and these four women all have the comedic chops to take on said role's. Now a whole bunch of stuff has been leaking from set and I'm here to take you through them and to give my opinion on them. Enjoy! Bill Murray (Peter Venkman) will be taking on a new role in this movie. He will reportedly be playing Martin Heiss, the main debunker of all things supernatural, think Walter Peck in the original. Dan Aykroyd (Ray Stantz) is reported to be playing a taxi driver and Ernie Hudson (Winston Zeddemore) has also been cast in a unspecified role. But in the most recent of news from the set it has been confirmed by director Paul Feig that Miss Sigourney Weaver herself has also been cast for this movie. I have no idea if she will reprise her role of Dana Barrett or if she will be taking on another role entirely but from the looks of things t

Agents of Shield Season 3 Ep 1 Clip

So Agents of Shield released the first five minutes of the first episode last night, SPOILERS ARE COMING! In the clip we see the bad effects fish oil can have on you, OK fish oil infected with terrigen crystals. An unsuspecting human has turned to dust, the apartment looks as though a bomb has gone off in it (ok a small bomb), we see a bike with melted tyres below a railing which has melted off. We then meet Joey (Juan Pablo Raba), explosions are going off all around him, he also melts a whole bunch of stuff throughout this clip including a lamp post, and scaffolding. Joey is then met by a team of government soldiers who are trying to contain him by any means necessary. Poor Joey is just trying to get to the hospital and has no idea whats wrong with him. After melting some more stuff Joey runs and hides in an alley. After being discovered we then see a quake of trash cans (see what I did there). The government agents then go flying along with a police car and Daisy/Skye appears


I've had this post sitting part done for four days, my bad. Supergirl was arguable my favorite Superhero while growing up, ok she was tied with Rogue (cartoon version not movie), I'm even ashamed to admit that I loved the Supergirl movie as a kid and I wanted to be her. Seriously she could take on anyone, and a young woman being just as powerful as a fully grown man just spoke to me in ways you wouldn't understand. So then I grew up, rewatched it and realised it was terrible. Such a terrible movie, so when I heard about a TV show being made I thought, "Not again." Maybe I've just been scarred too many times when it comes to my favorite superheroes (don't get me started on The Amazing Spider-Man 2), and I've become cynical of anything made outside Marvel Studios. But I may have been wrong to be so defeatist about this project. Seriously, I am trying not to jinx it by having hope. I want it to be good, I want a Superhero that I and millions of o

Big Bang Season 9 Episode 1 Review

SPOILERS BE COMING! The following is my review of the season nine premiere of the Big Bang Theory. So in all the confusion with time zones I completely forgot to watch the premiere episode of the Big Bang Theory. I will say one thing before I go on, researching season nine in my previous post kinda ruined it for me. I read an interview with the Big Bang Showrunner Steve Molaro who revealed that Leonard and Penny do actually get married and I would have preferred it if I didn't know. There was no will they won't they scenario going on in my head and I really would have enjoyed it more if there was. Anyway besides all that the episode was pretty much ok, not the best, not the worst. I understand there was a lot to do in twenty minutes. I enjoyed Sheldon's back and forth with Amy, not knowing if they had broken up, if they were getting back together was very well done. I always enjoy the chemistry both the actors have with one another and still hope to see more of i

Angry Birds

When I heard about this movie I was like no way. How stupid could this movie be? Not meaning to sound at all passive aggressive but I thought the concept of making a movie about birds flying into pig built structures was dumb. Then I saw the teaser trailer this morning and I laughed, yes LAUGHED! It follows the story of down and out Red (Jason Sudeikis), the female birds pay no attention to him, he's woken up by a kid hitting his ball off his house, yes I've been there and I admit it I wanted to kick the kid into the ocean too. Then we are introduced to Chuck (Josh Gad) and his million yoga type poses including downward duck which gets a yuck reaction from Red. Bomb (Danny McBride) tells Red that when he gets upset he has a tendency to blow up and does so during a surprise party. We are then introduced to Leonard the Pig (Bill Hader) and his comical stairs. Then its back it Red who looks like he's about to blow. Definitely looks good and a much better premise than

Scream Queens

So this series is pretty weird, I liked it though but it's pretty satire. It also feels like if American Horror Story and Bad Neighbours had a baby, then this would be it. Pretty slapstick horror but in a good way. Slight SPOILERS but nothing you won't see in the trailer... maybe. So in a flashback to 1995 a Kappa pledge has a baby in a bathtub during a party. She didn't even know she was pregnant but the sorority sisters don't want to miss out on the song Waterfall so they leave her there until the songs finished. So when the song is finished and they go back into the bathroom they find her dead as another sister holds the baby. So back to 2015 Chanel Oberlin (Emma Roberts) is president of Kappa and she is an angry, horrible person. She breaks the fourth wall (well with her thoughts) and she introduces us to the rest of her Kappa sisters who she names Chanel 2, 3 and 5 as she doesn't care what there names are. Chanel then has a meeting with the universitie

Gotham Season 2 Episode 1 Review

SPOILERS ARE COMING! YEH BE WARNED! So I took so many notes last night while watching the first episode of season two, most of it is gibberish but I will do my best to give a clear concise account of episode one. Here is my huge overview of what happened, seriously a lot happened in this episode. Then I will tell you all my favourite things about the series so far. If you'd like to skip this overview my view on the episode starts under the pic of Tigress. So season one ended with young Bruce and Albert discovering that Thomas Wayne's office was not all that it seemed, episode one starts with Bruce and Albert journeying behind the fireplace only to find a door and a keypad. What could the code be? We jump forward a month to find Penguin running Gotham, Gordon is currently walking the beat in uniform and he is still with Lee (who I am beating will appear to be something other than what she seems) and the Joker or Jerome as we currently know him is in Arkham Asylum. A

Darth Clone?

SPOILERS! BEWARE! YOU BE WARNED! So The Force Awakens is less than three months away and there are more than a few theories out there in the great world wide web. One so much theory is that the biggest villain in cinematic history shall be returning to our screens. How could this be possible you may say? Vader, at the end of Return of the Jedi saved his son, killed Emperor Palpatine, and provided balance to the force as was his destiny. His body was also burned in a funeral pyre by Luke (as seen below) so how could he be brought back? Well in the trailer we see Vader's helmet, and a hooded figure hoovering over said helmet. This could possibly be the new villain of the franchise Kylo Ren who is said to be obsessed with Vader, styling himself and his helmet after him. He could possibly just be collecting Vader items, but the theory is that he (through the course of The Force Awakens and possibly beyond) is trying to clone Vader. But is this possible? Well of cour

The Peanuts Movie

Poor Charlie Brown, he's so clumsy and nothing seems to ever go right for him. I love Peanuts, as I suspect do most of the those who grew up wishing they had a dog half as cool as Snoopy. So when I heard there'd be a Peanuts movies coming out I couldn't wait, it has been so long since I've seen these characters on any screen so I'm super excited. In the trailer we see our underdog Charlie Brown talking to his star, a star which will always be there until that is it falls out the sky. A new kid arrives in town and Charlie Brown realises that this is a perfect opportunity to start over, clean slate and all. That is until he slips and causes a fence wipe out. He wants to do something great and stop being seen as the neighbourhood cluts, but will our favorite underdog finally get his chance? I've no idea but I think it's time Charlie Brown got a break. Tune in November 6th to find out and see your favorite characters on the big screen, check out the trail

So what I have I been doing since yesterday?

Hi guys, so since I wrote my review yesterday morning I have been trying to make my own youtube channel and podcast to go along with this blog. It's been a crazy process as I just found out that the microphone on my laptop has been M.I.A since the Windows 10 update along with my sound. So no voiceovers until it's sorted. My camera is picking up everything perfectly including sound but it won't upload to the editor properly, so I'm going to have to figure that out. Rage much. Anyway I was really enjoying it until the technical side of things begun to screw with me. Thankfully there is a desktop in this house so I will have to confiscate that and get to work. So no reviews today but my schedule shall hopefully be back to normal tomorrow where I am hoping to review the new TV I have been missing out on while trying to sort this issue. My thoughts exactly!

My Favorite Tom Hanks Movies

With Bridge of Spies being released in a few weeks (October 16th) and with it looking like another great performance by Tom Hanks I thought I'd list my favorite Tom Hanks performances in descending order. Apollo 13 is based on the real life events, astronauts Jim Lovell (Tom Hanks), Fred Haise (Bill Paxton) and Jack Swigert (Kevin Bacon) are on there way to the moon. Man has already made it to the moon due to Apollo 11 so there is hardly any public interest in Apollo 13. Everything seems to be going smoothly until a oxygen tank explodes, stranded in space and hundreds of thousands of miles from help the team must battle to survive and face a race against the clock to make it home. A great movie and a great performance by Tom Hanks, for the time it was visually stunning and it still holds up today. I can't imagine having to act while flying in Nasa's vomit comet just so they could gain weightlessness in order to make it look realistic. Well done. I couldn't t

The Last Witch Hunter

The Last Witch Hunter's second trailer was released yesterday, this is my view on what I have seen. The movie follows Kaulder (Vin Diesel), the last of his kind, the last witch hunter. Centuries ago he managed to slay an all powerful witch but as she perished she cursed him, forced to live forever and separated from both his wife and child in the afterlife. Now in modern day we see our Witch Hunter in a dream state, he is abruptly awoken by Chloe (Rose Leslie) and teams up with Dolan Thirty-Seven (Elijah Wood). We hear a voiceover from Dolan Thirty-Six (Michael Caine) stating that something seems to be awakening which is beyond all evil. Kaulder asks Chloe to take him back into the dream world to stop whats coming, but the Witch Queen returns with a mission to destroy us all. Will they stop her from total annihilation? What's the Dolan plus number all about? Could he be a clone of some kind? How cool is the flaming sword (Azor Ahai styles)? I'm excited to watch thi

Lion Rampant

So for those of you who haven't heard about this project it was leaked during the Sony hack. This as a potential sequel to Braveheart called Lion Rampant, after the flag I have shown above. Really it should be called Braveheart as Robert the Bruce was called the Brave Heart and his heart was taken into battle after his death. Depicting Robert the Bruce's story and the Battle of Bannockburn (24th June 1314) in Scotlands first war for independance where King Edward II was beaten in battle by a small force lead by Robert the Bruce. Robert the Bruce in Braveheart was shown as a traitor and I am hoping that this upcoming movie would mean that he will hopefully get the makeover he so rightly deserves. Although he did pay homage to Edward I, The Bruce really secretly supported Wallace (later publicly supporting him) and he did not betray Wallace, that was Sir John Menteith. This could easily turn into a what's wrong with Braveheart post so I will state that they did get the


As a Scot the 18th of September will always be synonymous to me, no matter what side I was on. For those of you who don't know Scotland voted in there independence referendum a year ago to the day. So as I will have everything Scotland on my mind today I decided to dedicate my blog to everything Scottish for the day. So we are going to talk about Outlander who studios are about a ten minute drive away from my house. The release in the UK was pushed back due to the independence referendum at a request from the Prime Minister as he felt it could have political implications on the union. I don't blame him, the red coats are pretty brutal in this series. Outlander is based on Diana Gabaldon's novel series. For those who haven't see the show or read the books this is the story of Claire Randall (Caitriona Balfe) who is a married English combat nurse in the second world war. After the war she and her husband Frank (Tobias Menzies) go on a second honeymoon to Inverness,

American Crime Story

American Crime Story is a true crime anthology which centres around history's most famous crimes. Today FX release its first teaser trailer. The first season plot will focus on The People V O.J. Simpson. It won't be with us until 2016 but it sounds really interesting. Now I'm in my late twenties and I can remember where I was during this trial. We watched the trial while out for dinner in Majorca along with hundreds of others. The street was deadly quiet for the amount of people staring at the TV and then the judgement came in, not guilty. I can still remember the gasps of shock from those around me. Cuba Gooding Jr will be playing the role of O.J. Simpson.  Sarah Paulson shall be playing Marcia Clark the head prosecutor in the case.  John Travolta will be playing the head of the defence team Robert Shapiro. David Schwimmer will be playing the role of another defense attorney, Robert Kardashian. Courtney B. Vance will be playing Johnnie Cochran.  Connie Briton

Heroes Reborn

How underrated was Heroes? With its intricate plot twists and a super evil villain, it was definitely one of my favorites. So Heroes Reborn is coming to our screens and although we won't see all our favorite heros some will be returning to our screens, including my favorite time traveler (sorry Doctor) Hiro. YATTA! It also looks like our favorite paper maker Mr. Bennett will be searching for the gifted in order to save them and the world from annihilation, yay! Zachary Levi shall be playing our new Big Bad who seems to be popping up at Hero support group meetings alongside his wife (Judith Shekoni) and killing all the gifted ones. New characters Tommy Clarke (Robbie Kay), Miko Otomo (Kiki Sukezane), Malina (Danika Yarosh) and a whole bunch more are trying to stay hidden, though it seems like a black hole of sorts is threatening humanity in the arctic. It seems like the majority of humanity would also like to kill every last special. The rest are wondering where their heroes h