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Flash of Two Worlds

Flash, ahaaaa, saviour of the universe! SPOILERS for those who aren't caught up with this series. You have been warned!

So in the last episode Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) appears in the apparently fortified STAR labs. He warns Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) of Zoom and tells him he is from a parallel universe in which he was the Flash. Professor Stein (Victor Garber) and Cisco (Carlos Valdes) start to discuss the multiverse theory, toning it down for Joe (Jesse L. Martin) and those of us who don't have a physics degree.

So there is a multiverse, where no one person leads the same life. Barry doesn't trust Jay, so he has Caitlin (Jennifer Hale) run tests on him. I don't blame him, someone showing up after six months telling you he is the Flash from a multiverse but his powers have mysteriously disappeared. We'd all be sceptical. Also isn't Caitlin meant to be working in Mercury labs? I'm sure it will all become clear, eventually.

Joe goes back to the precinct and an eager police officer called Patty Spivot (Shantel Vansanten) comes up to him and begs him to join the meta human taskforce, who has lost all of its members. As usual Joe says no, I think because of what happened to Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett) last season that he'd rather work alone. Patty leaves disappointed but not after meeting Barry, she's a big fan of his work, his forensic work.

So then we get to see and hear Zoom who brings a meta human from Earth 2.0 through a portal and tells him to "Kill the Flash." Then there is a fire which Barry manages to put out really quickly. Turns out it was a trap, the meta human Zoom brought back staged the entire thing in order to draw out the Flash. They start to fight. Turns out he has sandman style powers, then he gets away. Joe then appears with the police and asks Barry what happened. Turned out he couldn't find anything, no evidence, that was until Patty shows up stating that she has found something, fingerprints as well as bits of sand. Barry is impressed but Joe still isn't having it. 

Back in STAR labs we find out this metahuman is called Sand Demon, Jay wants to help Barry but he locks him up again. Cisco's powers surface as he touches the sand which was brought back from the fire. Barry again states he does not trust Jay as logically he is lying as he has no speedster powers. He's not willing to trust anyone since Wells is he?

Joe goes after the meta human, as he gets away Patty manages to cuff him, she must be stalking Joe until he says yes. Back at the precinct Joe is interrogating who he believes to be the Sand Demon, just turns out that it is his earth-1 doppelganger, there was also a little wink to Blackwater Prison so Gotham might be close by. Barry and Patty have a moment while watching Joe's interrogation and joke about Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I can see why she would be compatible but I'm firmly staying in Team Iris. Back at STAR labs Barry can't trust anyone so in steps Iris (Candice Patton) to sort Barry out as she is the only one who could talk any sense into him.

Back at the precinct Joe let's the doppelganger go, but as he does this Sand Demon shows up and takes away Patty. This act, as well as Iris, springs Barry into action. He let's Jay out his cell and he then tries to teach Barry how to throw lightning. While Barry is doing this the gang are looking for an area with a lot of moisture in order to find the Sand Demon's lair. The team are getting no where so Cisco goes to get the sand and uses him powers in order to find Patty so the Flash can go save her, he gets away with this by telling Professor Stein he has a hunch about the Sand Demons lair. 

Jay tags along to cause a distraction as he has fought the Sand Demon before. His helmet is pretty ridiculous and he says it was his father's during the war of the Americas. Earth-2 sounds weird. The distraction works, Barry saves Patty while a powerless Jay and the Sand Demon fight. Then Barry shoots electricity for the first time turning the Sand Demon to glass. Patty who is still tied up shouts on the Flash to which both Barry and Jay state that they are coming. I found this part funny, because it's true.

So Caitlin is then faced with seeing Jay shirtless again, and again there chemistry is off the charts. Barry then appears and apologises to Jay telling him why he's been so untrusting of late. Back at the Precinct we find out that Patty's dad was killed by Mark Mardon (weather wizard) before he gained his powers. She wants to stop dangerous meta humans from killing others. Joe is happy with her answer and tells her she's on the task force. Then Iris' mum just shows up out of the blue at the precinct. Joe is shocked but she tells him that she is here as he hasn't returned any of her calls. She wants to discuss Iris, I don't think this is going to go down well. 

Professor Stein works out that Cisco is hiding his powers, asking him why Cisco replies that Wells gave him these powers. Wells also said he was destined for greatness but the man was evil and Cisco thinks his powers are evil, he doesn't want anyone else to know (like thats worked out good before). Stein then collapses, does he need F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M to survive? Then on earth-2 the big reveal comes, Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) is alive in this other dimension. But is he actually Harrison Wells or the reverse Flash himself, Eobard Thawne? I think not, I think Zoom is that dimensions reverse Flash and Wells is just a normal everyday scientist. But I guess we'll have to wait until next week to see.

I really enjoyed this episode, there were some holes in it but all in all pretty enjoyable, though it is weird to see a Superhero without his powers but Flash 2.0 still managed to help save the day. I felt the Sand Demon was a bit rushed but this entire episode was to get the audience and Barry to trust Jay, which they succeeded in doing. What did you think? Was it too rushed or did you not enjoy it? Comment below.


P.S. Anyone else think Zoom is Barry?


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