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Agents of Shield Season 3 Premiere

I would have had this out earlier but I spent the full morning applying for jobs, seriously I did even brush my hair after I showered and now it's a half mop of curls/frizz.

So I have already covered the first five minutes as we where treated to a clip earlier last week, check it out at the following link So now I would like to talk about the rest of the premiere episode so as always SPOILERS ARE COMING! YEH BE WARNED!

So after Joey (Juan Pablo Raba) is taken in the epic flying pod to the new shiny bus he and Skye/Daisy (Chloe Bennet) have a nice little chat. She basically takes on the role of her mother (besides the crazy) in the previous season by trying to help him through the process. Then we get to see Coulson (Clark Gregg) and his new shiny hand being happy about his new shiny ship. We also find out that five Inhumans have disappeared.

Bobbi (Adrianne Palicki) is currently going through rehab due to the torture she received from Grant Ward (Brett Dalton). So she is currently taking on the role of Simmons, not literally but she's in the lab putting her biology degree to use and Hunters not talking to her. Skye is going by Daisy now and Coulsons the only one getting to grips with it. We also find out it has been a month since the events of the season two finale.

Mack (Henry Simmons) is concerned about an absent Fitz who it turns out Bobbi is covering for. Turns out Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) is in Morocco looking for the last clue to finding Simmons (remember she was sucked up by the big black liquid/rock). He feels he is close and meets with some guys who work for Yusuf, he'll trade his tech for a scroll, the guys take the deal but decided to use his own tech against him. Oh no the splinter bombs have been rigged with an emp and Fitz gets away. Phew! Coulson seems to be impressed yet concerned at Fitz's determination to get Simmons back. He wants to go and tell her family the bad news but Fitz is adamant that the little scroll will save her. Smashing it's glass casing open it turns out that all that was inside was the Hebrew word for death. 

Hunter was being weird this episode, he wasn't talking to Bobbi. I thought hmm maybe when she said "I can't do this," at the end of season two she meant them. Mac as always is concerned about those two crazy kids. But as always it turns out I was wrong and he's not talking to her as it's their wedding day. We then hear that it's time for him to hunt down Ward, maybe this is why they leave as Bobbi is getting her own show? We also find out that Agent May (Ming-Na Wen) hasn't returned from her romantic getaway with her ex husband, seems pretty strange considering Mays character. Maybe she's been kidnapped or is on the lookout for a certain hydra agent. I'd probably say the latter as she'd never quit shield, would she?

We also got to see Rosalind Price (Constance Zimmer) the leader of the ACTU almost capture Coulson and Hunter. These characters go through the motions and then figure out that those five missing Inhumans weren't down to them, hmm is there a third party? Also remember what I said about him having a new hand, well its true, and it's pretty kick ass. He and Hunter then escape. In the meantime Daisy/Skye is at a hospital (*cough* called it!) trying to convince Lincoln (Luke Mitchell) to come work with shield and just guess who shows up, none other that our big bag Lash (Matthew Willig). He's pretty annoyed and would like to destroy all those Inhumans he deems unfit.

Fitz then goes to visit the rock in its restricted area. He bashes on it and screams at it to take him but nothing happens. Poor Fitz, I wanted to give him a big cuddle after watching this scene. I couldn't imagine what he is going through, he's tried everything and nothing has worked to get Gemma back. But oh no, whats this? Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) is ALIVE (woooot), but she's running from something or someone. She seems to be in a dark, dank place and puts soil on her face. She's a smart girl so there must be a reason for this. Where could she be? As it zooms out we see it, she's on an alien world. I'm probably 100% wrong but it looks like the planet in which Starlord picks up the orb at the beginning of Guardians.

So what did you think about the premiere episode? Was it good, bad? I personally enjoyed it, especially the little nods to MI6 and Ant Man. Wouldn't it be so cool if they had to go into space to rescue Gemma? Oh crossover maybe? I'm getting ahead of myself.



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