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Where have I been?

So I took a four days off to rest and relax. My partner is still at home due to a work injury and between looking after him for the past few weeks and also spending hours researching and writing this blog, it was all wearing me out. So after a few days I feel much more relaxed so I am ready to begin. Below is a quick catch up on The Walking Dead and Once Upon A Time. BEWARE OF SPOILERS!

Once Upon A Time - The Bear and The Bow

                                                                          (Courtesy of Ed Araquel / ABC)
The Bear and the Bow was a pretty well executed episode, it focuses mostly on Belle which I really enjoyed as she is one of my favorites in this series and in Disney lore. So flashback to Camelot, Merlin (Elliot Knight), David (Josh Dallas), Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) and Belle (Emilie De Ravin) go to break Lancelot (Sinqua Walls) out of the dungeons, as they do this they also come across and save Merida (Amy Manson) who later knocks Belle out as she thinks her smarts will help with her magic. Merida takes Belle to her home Dun Broch, uses a cauldron to see her brothers and tries to get Belle to brew a potion to change her fate. This all seems to go wrong when Belle instead gives Merida water as Belle believes that Merida is strong enough without it. We find out what happened to Meridas father who, as Merida was about to save him, her bow missed. This is why the clans don't see her as being a leader anymore as she let them down. But just as three arrows go heading for her brothers Merida steps up to action and she breaks the three arrows with one of her own. Merida has proven her worth and the clans all bow before her.

The Storybrooke storyline was pretty similar instead Rumple (Robert Carlyle) was taken out into the woods by Merida as she is trying to train him to be brave. She figures out he will fight for Belle and tries to use the teacup which does make him fight a little. She leaves the teacup with him and he then smashes it, with much remorse may I add, but uses it to escape. He goes to the Library where he finds Belle, they both think him escaping was the dark ones plan and they go to his shop for magical items. Merida finds them and as she goes to shoot Belle saves them by pulling the rug from under her. They escape and Rumple wants to cross the townline, Belle nearly jumps out the moving car before he stops. She leaves and is then face to face with Merida who is forced to take the bear potion. As Belle runs from the bear she then falls and is then saved by Rumple who throws the satchel down Bear Merida's throat turning her back to normal. They go to Emma's lair and Rumple tries to make a deal, he will pull the sword for Merida's heart and the location of her brothers. Emma gives in, Rumple pulls the sword and now the old dark one is the hero.

A lot of other stuff happened in this episode but as I said above I wanted to give a quick overview of what I have been watching, so even though I have several pages of notes I can use I still can't do it. As I want to talk about something else. I really did enjoy this episode, Belle really does bring out the best in people and did anyone notice any Brave easter eggs? I noticed the cabin Belle and Merida were in looked a lot like the witches cabin in Brave, and the actors looked exactly like grown up versions of all the characters, down to the war paint. Very well done to the creators who brought Dun Broch to life. Still have a million questions though, if Merida was there during the curse why was she brought back? I guess we'll have to wait to find out. Comment below on your favorite/worst parts of this episode.

The Walking Dead - Here's Not Here

                                                                                 [Courtesy of AMC]
So in our latest episode we didn't get any answers to the questions we'd asked in the previous weeks episode. Instead it follows Morgan (Lennie James) who is telling his story to a mystery party. We find out what happened to him between crazy want to kill everyone Morgan and at peace almost Monk like Morgan. Turns out during this time Morgan wanted nothing more than to clear everything, human, walker it doesn't matter. Then he meets Eastman (John Carroll Lynch) who has a solar powered cabin out in the middle of a forest, he also has a goat who he seems to have the highest of regard for. So after a tussle with Eastman Morgan wakes up in a cell and Eastman tells him he has PTSD. He's killing as he is stuck in the moment and the only way to stop is to feel. Morgan cannot see his logic and after finding out his cell is not locked he attacks Eastman and breaks a picture in drywall which we later find out was by his daughter who died before the zombie epidemic, and in which Eastman carried for thirty miles to bring it from home to his secluded cabin.

Morgan learns the ways of aikido and peace. Not taking a life, even the most evil of lives. They live in harmony for a time, they kill and bury walkers and read while Eastman keeps trying to make cheese. We find out Eastman was a forensic psychiatrist who tried to stop a monster called Crighton Dallas Wilton being released from prison. When Wilton is released he then goes on to kill all of Eastman's family, then walks down the street to the local police station to turn himself in. Eastman tells him they need to look for others in order to carry out his plan, as they go back to Morgan's makeshift campsite from the start of the episode, this is where Eastman gets bit by one of Morgan's old victims as he tried to save Morgan who was frozen solid when he saw him. They take the zombie back to bury him and then we see a gravestone marked, Crighton Dallas Wilton, turns out Eastman built that cell to hold him and watched him starve for forty seven days. As he went to Atlanta to turn himself in the epidemic started, and he returned to his cabin. He is then killed by Morgan off screen and Morgan leaves the cabin. We then flash forward to present day and it turns out Morgan is speaking to the Wolves leader (Benedict Samuel), who vows to kill Morgan and everyone else, even the children if he heals from his wound. Morgan is defeated but hasn't won the war and then leaves, locking the door behind him.

I really enjoyed this episode, yes for the first ten minutes I was shouting for Glenn (Steven Yeun) but I was previously wondering what had happened to Morgan to change him, so I am satisfied that story was told, but what has happened to GLENN? Knowing that Eastman would die from the start though really made me disconnect a little from that character. I guess we will have to wait to find out what happened to Glenn but if that scream is anything to go by I suppose we'll find out soon, I hope! Hurry up already. What did you think about the episode? Comment below.

So that's it!

                                                                                              [Courtesy of Fox]

So that's pretty much everything I wanted to talk about, I know it's a short list but I haven't really been watching much, remember I was taking time off to relax. Tomorrow we will be discussing Agents of Shield and also I will do my first post on Harry Potter as I don't know about you guys but every time we enter November all I think about is The Boy Who Lived. Comment below if there is anything specific you would like me to cover.

If you like this post then please click below to check out some of my other posts.

My Top Five Moments from The Walking Dead -

My Favorite Modern Disney Movies -


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