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Agents of Shield: Chaos Theory Top Five Moments!

                                                                            [Courtesy of Marvel/ABC]

So this week's Agents of Shield episode was a pretty jammed packed affair, from the origins of Lash to the slight hope we may actually get to see a romance (it's far off in the distance). So here is my top five moments in order, and don't worry if I missed your best bits, honorable mentions shall be at the bottom. If you aren't caught up with the show then look away now as I will be mentioning SPOILERS!

5. Hope

                                                                                   [Courtesy of Marvel/ABC]

Yes, we may have had some hope on the FitzSimmons front, let's not celebrate too quickly but keep the champagne on hold. So Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) goes to Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) with the phone she had with her on the alien planet, and asks him if he could retrieve the sim data. She thinks the data will give them more clues as to Will's (Dillion Casey) whereabouts, and she warns him that he may not like what he sees but Fitz takes it anyway.

Fitz goes to work right away and then proceeds to look at the data he has gathered. He comes across a photo of Simmons and Mike hugging and completely loses it. It isn't until a recording Simmons had taken on the planet starts playing, that he calms down and he begins to understand what she faced while she was out there. As he watches and listens to her documentation she starts to reveal more about herself, we find out that she found her dream home in Perthshire when she was a girl and that she has been envisioning Fitz living there with her.

Fitz then goes to see Simmons who can't sleep but is standing at a window waiting for the sun to rise. Fitz tells her that he saw the data and then makes a gip about Perthshire being in Scotland. She says that it is, as true now as it was when she said it, and asks him what they do now. He tells her that they watch the sunrise, now at this point I was thinking of knocking there two heads together but I shall just let it play out.

We have some hope that these two will eventually be an item in the future, lets just hope we don't have to wait too long. Who knows this season has been pretty faced paced, maybe we'll have the FitzSimmons conclusion we have all been waiting for.

4. Daisy has her eye on you... maybe!

                                                                             [Courtesy of Marvel/ABC]

So Daisy (Chloe Bennet) seems to be the only person at the moment who doesn't trust Rosalind (Constance Zimmer), maybe it's because she's dealt first hand with traitors in the past and knows how to read them. I will confirm that I thought she was overreacting, oh how wrong I was. So Coulson (Clark Gregg) is going with Daisy, and Rosalind to meet POTUS as the ATCU's guest at the Summit for the Future of Powered People.

All day Rosalind and Daisy seem to be discussing there differing opinions of inhumans, and yes Rosalind does make some great arguments such as, "for every Daisy Johnson there is a Lash."  Daisy also seems to be successful at stopping Coulson and Rosalind from getting any closer, that is until Mack (Henry Simmons) and Lincoln (Luke Mitchell) come onto the plane to tell everyone about Andrew (Blair Underwood) being Lash but we'll get to that bit later.

Then the team all end up going to save May (Ming-Na Wen) from Lash but Rosalind ends up being thrown into the courtyard below and in that moment Daisy who is down there saves Rosalind by using a power she never knew she had before, the power to control the speed of a moving target. So by saving her has she put the team at an even greater risk? I feel that Rosalind may use this opportunity to manipulate Daisy, as she has been her biggest critic of late, I just hope Daisy doesn't fall for it.

3. What Happens in Maui

                                                                            [Courtesy of Marvel/ABC]

So we finally got to see what happened between May and Andrew. Six months ago they were so happy, May was willing to leave SHIELD behind in order to make it work with Andrew. He also seems to truly love her, and they are all happy, that is until a book spoiled everything (more about this later). Present day May is on the hunt for Andrew, she has to hear it from him, then she will believe he could be Lash. She has told Bobbi (Adrianne Palicki) that Von Strucker (Spencer Treat Clark) had passed out before she could talk to him, and she goes to research Lash.

When she goes to Andrew's office he isn't there, May finds out from Daisy that Andrew is at a offsite training facility evaluating Joey (Jean Pablo Raba). May frantically heads over there and orders the agents to let them speak. She wants to hear what happened from the horse's mouth. He denies it but she tells him she spoke with Von Strucker and she knows that the kid wasn't lying. Andrew then shoots May with an ICER.

May wakes up in an old abandoned building at Culver University, Andrew has put her in chains and is trying to explain to her what he has done. We then find out that Andrew becomes Lash when he loses his temper and warns her not to make him angry. He tells her he loves her, and you can see that he doesn't want to hurt her. He gets more sinister and tries to explain his actions by comparing them to May's experience in Bahrain, which doesn't sound like something Andrew would do. But as it looks as though Lash cannot be controlled it turns out May can bring out the good in Andrew, we'll just before she shoots him in the chest and into the containment unit. Turns out Lash may have saved his life.

This is our Beauty and the Beast tale of this season, I really do feel for May as a character, and I hope that Andrew is still in there somewhere.

2. Cut off his head, no one will take his place!

                                                                             [Courtesy of Marvel/ABC]

So Ward (Brett Dalton) is after Coulson's head and it turn out that none other than Rosalind Price is on his side. So this entire episode, besides being primarily about Andrew was also filled with Coulson and Price tension, and not the bad kind. She is taking him to see the President, she is helping with his tie, and most importantly she is taking Coulsons side by helping to save May from the clutches of Lash. Sounds like a great gal right? Wrong.

Turns out this entire thing is a rouse, Rosalind is working for HYDRA, or well Gideon Malick (Powers Booth) who is working with Ward. Turns out there was no Presidential meeting either, Rosalind was leading Coulson and Daisy to Ward and Malick. Is nothing ever as it seems in this show? The worst part about this is that Coulson actually went for a drink and what looks like a lot more with Rosalind and he really looks like he is falling for her. Sound familiar?

They've got us again, do our heroes always seem to be taken in by traitors? Well apparently, because that's what shocks us the most. I really think this season will see the end of Ward, I hope it won't as I do feel bad in a way for him. His backstory last year really did get to me, but still, he's getting a bit too big for his boots. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe he will take the Homeland route to redemption (hopefully if you haven't seen this I didn't spoil too much for you).

Anyway Rosalind is a bad apple, but does she really know who she is working for? I think maybe her husband did die, but not of cancer, and maybe this could have turned her over to HYDRA. But I am shocked!

1. Hazard - This book may contain some killer dust!

                                                                         [Courtesy of Marvel/ABC]

So turns out Jiaying (Dichen Lachman) left a little gift from the beyond the grave. When Andrew and May returned from Maui he receives a call from Coulson to discuss May coming back, he goes over the box of materials sent over from Afterlife and opens the ledger of all the inhumans. He is then covered in terrigen mist, a defensive mechanism so the book won't end up in the wrong hands. We then see him in the terrigen cocoon which begins to break open to reveal that Lash is trying to form.

Throughout the episode we begin to see glimpses of what Andrew is dealing with and I really began to feel for him in a way. He seems conflicted as he urges Simmons to give Fitz her phone with all the data from her time on the alien planet, as Fitz deserved the full truth. As he goes to visit Joey we see that he can't control it, and it looks as though Lash has driven him mad. He states that he feels better when he takes out an Inhuman and he can see a darkness inside Lincoln (maybe this is how he chooses his targets). May really does think she is doing what is best for him but putting him in stasis, even though we now know that Lash is with the enemy.

I really think we haven't seen the end of Lash, he may be released to carry on his cleansing by hydra, or he might end up being saved by May. Whatever happens though, I am excited to see it through, and we all won't have to wait for long, if the show's current pacing is any indicator.

Honorable Mentions

  •  Von Strucker is actually alive! 
  • I think Coulson is smarter than we all give him credit for, and may know something is not quite right with Rosalind.
  • Bobbi gets a mention for knowing May was lying.
So that's my top five moments from the episode Chaos Theory, is you enjoyed this and would like to browse then check out some of my other posts below, also comment below on your top moments or why mines were completely wrong.

Check out my latest this Week's Trailers thread -

Check out Last Week's Agents of Shield recap -


  1. i know they wanted us to feel bad for may but seeing as how they never showed her & andrew be tender with each other, despite ming na doing her best, it just didn't work for me. i actually hope fitz gets over simmons. i hope they bring lash back & that daisy gets to gather more inhumans.

    1. I don't think it would be the same if Fitz got over Simmons, but he does deserve some love and I think he'll get a new love interest around the time that Will comes back. But I do believe that Fitzsimmons will eventually be a couple. I do agree with you on the Andrew May relationship part though as that was really the second or third episode which showed them being intimate.


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