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Agents of Shield: Many Heads, One Tale Top Moments

                                                                            [Courtesy of Marvel/ABC]

This episode was pretty much near perfect, when I watched it I was all wrapped up in it, but after a day of reflection there was one fundamental flaw in this episode, and it was just one aspect, the speed of one reveal.  Yes the speeds been a factor in episodes prior and I have loved these episodes, but I would have liked one specific moment to have been stretched ever so slightly. SPOILER WARNING, for those who have yet to watch this week’s new episode.

5. Fitz + Simmons Sitting in a Tree!
                                                                             [Courtesy of Marvel/ABC]

So last week we had hope which meant this week we had to have a conflicted Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge). There tale begins with Simmons being angry at Fitz (Iain de Caestecker) for being so nice and understanding about the whole Will (Dillion Casey) thing. She storms out the lab only to be followed by a very angry Fitz. She finds out he is not happy about the entire love triangle situation, Fitz believes that they are cursed and then we eventually get to see them have a very passionate kiss. Then we think these kids may have a chance until Simmons spots the upside down symbols on a book on the floor, which I will be talking about later in this thread. But as it stands for FitzSimmons, I will knock both their heads together, even if I have to travel into the fictional land created by Marvel.

4. Hunter the Hacker
                                                                             [Courtesy of Marvel/ABC]

Can I just point out firstly how much I laughed at Hunter’s (Nick Blood) t-shirt, it was rather giggle worthy. So as Rosalind is having a tour of the SHIELD headquarters, Bobbi (Adrianne Palicki) and Hunter go undercover inside the ATCU. Hunter is acting as Daisy (Chloe Bennet) puppet and is faced with trying to hack his way into the ACTU’s system, one letter at a time. Bobbi is charged with what I’d like to call snooper duty as she leaves Hunter with Steve the I.T guy, and goes off to search the rest of the facility. I shall be talking about what she finds later in this thread.

3. Malick V Ward
                                                                            [Courtesy of Marvel/ABC]

So at the start of this episode Gideon Malick (Powers Booth) tries to kill our beloved Ward (Brett Dalton). In true evil Ward style though he takes out whatever Booth throws at him and then tries to torture the location of the Von Strucker vault out of Gideon’s men. He succeeds and finds himself on his way to Germany, where he also takes out a plane, all because he couldn’t get a direct flight. When then see him breaking into the Von Strucker vault, to find Gideon Malick there waiting for him, but he won’t kill Ward, instead he makes him a deal, was this all just a test?

2. Coulson V Rosalind
                                                                             [Courtesy of Marvel/ABC]

So Coulson (Clark Gregg) isn’t as stupid as we all thought. He’s had his eye on Rosalind (Constance Zimmer) since they met, and it all comes down to T.A.H.I.T.I. He shows her around the headquarters, they flirt and as they get close he locked her in a safe room and starts asking her a load of questions. She knew about T.A.H.I.T.I, which meant is she didn’t know anyone inside of shield that she indeed was hydra. Turns out she was told this information by Gideon Malick, who works in the science division, of the ACTU. The pieces begin to fall and it turns out that Rosalind isn’t working with hydra, or at least she doesn’t know that hydra has infiltrated the ACTU. Now this is the part I was talking about above, if they stretched this reveal out a little bit more I would have been satisfied, but then again who is to say she is telling the truth.

1. Brotherhood of the Spear
                                                                [Courtesy of Marvel/Disney]

So it turns out that Hydra is older than anyone could have imagined. Agents of Shield has rewritten Hydra’s history meaning that Red Skull wasn’t the founder of Hydra and everything we know about Hydra’s founding has been false. The most powerful/ First Inhuman was sent off to the same planet we saw Simmons on. The Brotherhood of the Spear a.k.a Hydra’s main goal is to bring this Inhuman back and rule beside it. They have been sending this Inhuman sacrifices for years, including Will’s astronaut team. The ATCU’s science division is turning people into Inhumans to help fight side by side with the first inhuman, and they need shield as by bringing back Simmons, they became the first people to do this. Simmons figures out the connection in the upside down books and Bobbi finds the Inhuman cocoons at the ATCU.  

Questions I had while watching:
  • So does this mean that Will was a member of Hydra, or was he just a sacrifice?
  • Who could this Inhuman be? When Gideon was talking about the Inhuman all I could think about was Apocalypse from the X-Men.
  • Why would Hydra want this Inhuman back on Earth, look what it did to that Paradise.

I have no idea who the Inhuman is. I have been reading a lot of speculation suggesting it could be Karnak, but I am not convinced. Does anyone else this that Simmons will have to make the choice, destroy the Monolith and save the world or use it to save Will. Maybe I’ve been playing too many role playing games recently, but I just feel like the show is headed in this direction. There is no new episode next week, but check out the promo for the next episode below.

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