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Jessica Jones Episodes 1-2

                                                                         [Courtesy of Marvel/Netflix]

Jessica Jones launched this Friday and after a weekend of mostly binge watching I decided it was time to talk about it. I really enjoyed this show and will be giving my opinion on the first two episodes below. SPOILER warning for those who haven't watch any of these episodes as I will be analysing each episode.

A.K.A Ladies Night

                                                                         [Courtesy of Marvel/Netflix]

So in the first episode Jessica (Krysten Ritter) is a loner, she stays from people as they just cause complications. We get a sense that she has done something, something dark, but we don't quite know what it could be. The day starts with an argument with a client who she throws through her door, she then narrates her typical New York day, and she ends it by spying on Luke Cage (Mike Colter). She wakes up in her apartment to find Malcolm (Eka Darville), he is her junkie neighbour and has wondered into the wrong apartment, we get a sense that this is a recurring incident.

 Two concerned parents show up at her apartment, they have flown to New York from Omaha and are worried about there missing daughter, the police won't do anything but they gave them Jessica's info. There daughter quit NYU, track and left her apartment. Jessica then combs through there daughter, Hope's (Erin Moriarty) computer to find a picture of her best friend, and then she goes to investigate. She goes and speaks to Hope's best friend, a guy is mentioned and Jessica finds a credit card statement which points her in the right direction.

She then goes to a club and gets in a argument with a man in a Maserati, she ends up lifting his car, telling him no one would believe what she just did, she serves him with a Subpoena and then she calls Hogarth (Carrie-Anne Moss) who is being kissed on the neck by some woman. Throughout the episode we see glimpses of Killgrave (David Tennant), and when this happens Jessica recites street names from her childhood. Luke Cage then notices Jessica creeping around outside and invites her in for Ladies night. They end up having sex and as Jessica goes to the bathroom she finds a womans picture, cries and then walks out of Luke's apartment.

                                                                        [Courtesy of Marvel/Netflix]

Hope's credit card statement takes her to a lingerie store, then to a restaurant that she doesn't want to enter. She goes in and asks if this used to be Al Russo and the host tells her that it was and changed hands eight months ago. Hope was there and turns out the host lost his mind when she entered with her companion. Jessica knows this place, she has been there before. Jessica then looses it and goes to see Hope's parents  She find out that it wasn't a police officer but a British gentleman at the police station who gave them Jessica's info.

Jessica tells them to flee and tries to buy a plane ticket to Hong Kong. She tries to use Hope's card which is declined, she then calls Hogarth and asks for her payment, but there is nothing that she can do. A woman then appears and kisses Hogarth as the woman from the other night looks on. Jessica goes to see Trish (Rachael Taylor) the host of Trish talks, Trish tries to greet her as a friend but Jessica is very distant and asks her for money instead. She tells Trish that he's back, and he has Hope. Trish won't believe her at first, but Jessica then tells her the full story. Trish tells her to save Hope, but Jessica states that she isn't a hero. Trish gives her the money but when Jessica is about to leave the city she then decides to help Hope.

Jessica goes to a hotel, which we find out she frequented a lot previously. Hope is in bed, we find out that she can't move as Killgrave ordered her to stay. It's been about eight hours since he left. Jessica has to physically stop Hope from staying and ends up knocking her out. Jessica takes her to her apartment and tells her about the technique she uses to help block him out. Hopes parent's arrive and Jessica tells them to go back to Omaha, Jessica then walks down the hallway as Hope draws a gun from her Jacket. She shoots her parents in the elevator and tells Jessica to, "smile," she then comes to and starts screaming over her parents deaths.

A.K.A Crush Syndrome

                                                                          [Courtesy of Marvel/Netflix]

Jessica is in an interrogation room, Det. Oscar Clemans (Clarke Peters) is asking her about the incident from the previous episode. He finds her suspicious as her bags were packed, looking as though she was going to flee the scene. She states that she would have stopped Hope if she knew what was about to happen and she explains her photographs as, making a living. Jessica then goes to Luke's bar to find the police have gotten there first. When they leave, she goes in and tries to explain these pictures, stating that she was hired by one of his ladies husbands. Luke states that he doesn't do that but she tells him about Gina (Nedra McClyde), and he tells her to leave.

Back in her apartment Jessica wonders how Killgrave managed to survive, as a cockroach is left to escape in her sink, she then states that it was better to be alone while he is out there. Jessica goes to talk to Hope to ask her questions about Killgrave, but she doesn't answer, instead Hope asks Jessica if she is a good jumper, as Killgrave would make her jump for hours, but she was never as good as Jessica. Hope then thinks about her 12 year old brother, who is now alone in the world. Hope then tells Jessica to go kill herself. Jessica then goes to see Hogarth to ask her to help on Hope's case. Hogarth won't take it, as she doesn't take cases which are unwinnable, but Jessica will owe her a favour, so she relents.

Jessica walks down the street and runs into Trish, and they both go to Jessica's apartment. Trish is worried now that Killgrave is back and she wants Jessica to move in with her. Jessica tells Trish that he could kill her anywhere and asks her to stay away from her. Gina then turns up at Luke's bar and asks him to go upstairs, he tells her that he knows that she is married and her husband has hired a P.I. In Jessica's apartment her neighbours are ruining her focus so she goes and shouts at them, she then goes back and looks at a newspaper clipping of the death of a woman named Reva Connors (Parisa Fitz-Henley) who looks somewhat familiar. We then see a flashback of Killgrave asking Jessica to come back to him.

Jessica is then in the street asking a mechanic for directions of where a person would go if they were hit by a bus. She then visits the hospital and steals some nurses scrubs and an I.D. badge. She gets help searching for the bus crash records and then prints them out. She goes home to find a man in her apartment, who she attacks and then finds out he has been sent by Trish to fix her door. Then the man from the floor above Ruben (Kieran Mulcare) appears and compliments Jessica ability to calm down his twin sister. Jessica then goes to ride the subway and has another Killgrave flashback, this time she cracks the window.

                                                                          [Courtesy of Marvel/Netflix]

Jessica goes to find the ambulance driver from the night of Killgrave's apparent death. She finds him in a bed hooked up to machines, turns out he donated two of his kidneys. Jessica takes a photo of the serial number as his carer leaves the room. He then asks her to kill him. The annoying neighbour above accuses Jessica of being interested in her brother. Gina then appears at her door to tell her that she knows her husband didn't hire her and she then tells Jessica that her husband and his rugby buddies are going to fight Luke. Jessica then heads straight for the bar.

As Luke is surrounded Jessica runs in but it turns out that Luke can more than handle himself, it looks as though if he flicked a guy he would be sent flying. He has saw what Jessica can now do, and she has now saw his abilities. Luke then tells her to leave. Jessica wakes up the next morning to a phone call from the dialysis company. She finds out that Dr. Kendra sent the machines to the ambulance drivers house, she goes to find him at a local college, he runs from her, turns out he thinks that Killgrave sent her. He tells her what happened, as well as the fact that Killgrave didn't use anesthesia for the surgery, turns out it takes away his powers and Jessica then takes him to Hogarth as proof of Hope's innocence.

Hogarth then goes to see Hope, stating that she is her new attorney. Hope won't talk to her until she finds out she was sent by Jessica. Jessica is tidying her office, leaving a note with the anesthetic chemical written on it. She then opens a package sent from Trish, a new panel of glass with Alias Investigations written on it. She calls Trish to tell her the original font was different, Trish tells her this is better. Jessica invites her for a drink, but she says she is busy and they will do lunch instead. Blood drips from her nose, turns out she is taking lessons on how to defend herself.

Killgrave appears and knocks on the door of a very nice looking apartment. He tells the man that he'd like to invite him in, the man obliges, he then tells the man's wife that he shall be there guest, to which she obliges. He orders the children into the cupboard, telling them to pee in there if need be. Back in Jessica's apartment the cockroach is back, she now knows what Killgrave's weakness is and crushes the cockroach, she is then surprised by Luke Cage who let himself into her apartment. Turns out he now wants to talk about what he saw, she only wanted to help him, he then takes a power saw to his stomach but nothing happens, stating that she cannot fix him, he's unbreakable.

I really am enjoying this show very much. This Week of my blog shall be dedicated to Jessica Jones as well as some great holiday movies for you lovely Yanks who are celebrating Thanksgiving. What did you think of Jessica Jones? Please comment below, and if you enjoyed this post then please feel free to click on the links to my other posts below.

Agents of Shield: Two Heads, One Tale -

Give DC a Chance -


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