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This Week's Trailers! (Nov1-Nov 7)

                                                         [Courtesy of Lucasfilm/Disney]

So for those of you who do not know, this is my weekly segment in which I cover all the trailers of this week, from movies and television, giving a quick synopsis of the footage. Along with my own personal opinion. So lets dive right in shall we?

In the Heart of the Sea

So this movie is about the real life event of 1820, when the whaling ship, Essex was attacked by a sperm whale. The crew of Captain George Pollard Jr (Benjamin Walker), Owen Chase (Chris Hemsworth), Matthew Joy (Cillian Murphy) and Thomas Nickerson (Tom Holland) are shipwrecked for ninety days, thousands of miles from there homes and forced to fend for themselves. This is the true story that inspired the classic book, Moby Dick and is directed by Ron Howard.

I think this looks like a swashbuckling adventure, I am interested to see it. I was never aware that Moby Dick was based on a true story so I am curious to look into it, but not too curious as it may ruin the movie. If you would like to see more you could check out the BBC's version which came out two years ago called the Whale, which is told from cabin boy Thomas Nickerson's perspective. Check out In the Heart of the Sea on December 11th.

Christmas Eve

So this movie takes place with six different groups of strangers, as a power outage traps these groups of New Yorkers in elevators, on Christmas Eve. Think Love Actually but in elevators, with a cast of twenty characters as they try and make it through until the power comes back on. In one case this may be fatal as one of these characters is a woman who was about to go into surgery. There is a distinct possibility that she could die in that elevator.

Since that Valentines day movie that followed different groups of people who are somehow connected I have not paid any attention to these movies. That one was terrible. But this could be different, I don't know but it just feels to me like these movies have been taken over by New York, why not depict somewhere else for a change? Just saying. I have to see more before I am convinced to go see it but the cast does look good and it does look like a movie that will make you think, which is great at Christmas.

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

Michael Bay why does there have to be a fluttering American flag in every single one of your movies? Fluttering flag, explosions in an open area and the occasional lens flare. Just replace the actors with Robots and you have Transformers. I will let it slide in this movie as it is about six American soldiers who were taking back their US Compound in Benghazi, which was taken over by terrorist who also killed the American Ambassador. All these men put these lives on the line so they do deserve their fluttering flag.

I on the other hand will not be seeing this movie, not because I don't think heroism of any kind should be celebrated but because of Michael Bay. Sorry but after I was tricked by Transformers four and it's excellent trailer I have decided never to see a Michael Bay movie ever again. No matter what it is, even if he directs Bad Boys Three, I will not see it. I am over it, as every movie is beginning to look the exact same. Make your own opinion though, and I am sure this movie will do great at the box office but it won't be from me.

Alice Through the Looking Glass

So if you've stuck with me after my last opinion then I commend you. The sequel to the 2010 Alice in Wonderland is here. I have yet to see the first, as I am all for live action movies but it completely slipped my mind, I may need to rectify this. Based on the sequel of the same name by Lewis Carroll, we see Alice (Mia Wasikowska) who is summoned back to Wonderland to help save the Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp).

This movie has a great looking cast, so hopefully it will be a great movie. I still have to watch the first one mind you but it does have me interested enough to go and watch it. There hasn't been any big budget adaptations of Through the Looking Glass either so I am curious to go and see it for this reason. Although I'd like to point out through research I found that Alice in Wonderland (2010) does have Through the Looking Glass elements, as do most of these adaptations. But I'm still excited, I think.


Will Smith stars as Dr. Bennet Omalu, the forensic neuropathologist who discovered CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy), which is commonly found in athlete's who take part in contact sports. On this discovery Omalu had to fight against the NFL as they tried to suppress his research and use less than ethical methods to dismiss it.

I'm glad this story is being told, and I am excited to learn more about this story. I am not from America so I had never heard of this story until now and after researching it I am intrigued and would like to go and see it. If you are also not familiar with this story and would like to hear more then read the article that brought this degenerative illness into the limelight below.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens International Trailer

So it seems that everyone is super excited for The Force Awakens, even that excited that we are all watching this International trailer which was released in Japan and analysing every last piece of new footage. Well the super cute BB-8 is the star of the start of this trailer, which I am super excited about, got to love the droids. Notice the change in pitch between Rey's (Daisy Ridley) lines of "I am used to waiting... for my family." This indicates that it is from a different piece of footage. We find out that Finn (John Boyega) and Rey have not met each other before, and Chewie (Peter Mayhew) seems to detonate something. My big moment came when Rey runs into Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and looks terrified as his saber is ever so close to her neck.

My take away from this trailer is the lack of Poe Dameron (Oscar Issac), he is only seen in the background and in one clip. Could this indicate he is the one on the ground Daisy Ridley is crying over? I still think it's Chewie but if you look at the footage at a certain angle it also looks like someone wearing a jacket. Guess we'll all find out December 16th, 17th or 18th, depending on where you live and if you ordered your tickets. I sure did.


So I have not played Warcraft, well I never got out the first area as at the time I could not afford two subscriptions, don't throw things at me. My first MMORPG was actually LOTRO, all as an attempt to bond with my partner. I was a console gamer, and to this day I am still playing these types of games, so don't disown my opinion outright. So as I have little experience in WoW I can look at this film from an outsider's perspective. So Azeroth which is run by Humans is on the verge of destruction, Orcs are fleeing their own world of Draenor, the two races collide but there leaders, Anduin (Travis Fimmel) and Durotan (Toby Kebbell) have to join forces as another threat is about to destroy them all.

It looks pretty good, I know the curse of the video game movie, but as someone who has very little experience with this game I think it looks great. Maybe it will never top the experience you had as you played the game, but you all must be excited to see it on the big screen. I also like how no race is in the wrong in this movie, although from just watching the trailer I have to say I am on team orc.

                                               [Courtesy of Blizzard/Legendary Pictures]

So that's my trailers for this week, I know I missed a few but I have been sitting here for three whole hours and my legs are starting to cramp. Time for me to go for a stroll in the lovely Scottish rain. So what did I miss that you where upset about? Do you disagree with me? Are you excited for any of these movies? Then please comment below. I won't bite, too much!

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