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                                                                                      [Courtesy of Fox]

So I'm Scottish and we don't get the whole Thanksgiving thing, but I have watched a lot of movies and television which give the rest of the world a nice little insight into this holiday. So you have time off work, you're not taking part in those crazy sales (which have also became a tradition over here, thanks), and you're stuffed from eating your weight in delicious foods. What do you watch?

Harry Potter
                                                                [Courtesy of Warner Bros]

So I don't know about you but nothing screams November more than our beloved Harry Potter, and there are eight movies for you to binge watch throughout the weekend. I just rewatched these and they hold up, you'll feel the magic, panic and feel relieved as the battle comes to a close. Witness Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe), a poor orphan boy who lives in a cupboard, find out that he is wizard and go on his journey to the best wizarding school in the world, Hogwarts. His life changes instantaneously as he goes from cupboard boy in rags to famous, as everyone in this new world knows his name. Yes it's British, yes there is no Thanksgiving in it, but if will make your weekend feel complete. I will warn you don't binge watch them all in one day, you will get no sleep what so ever.

For Brits who might want to binge watch these also NOW TV has all eight movies at the moment. For US some but not all are available on HBO Go.

The West Wing
                                                                                [Courtesy of HBO]

So what can I say about the West Wing which hasn't already been said? This show is one of my favorite ever TV series, with a great cast of characters, a great writer, and some smart humour. West Wing makes me laugh, cry, get angry and is my look inside American politics. The West Wing was originally meant to revolve around the character of Sam (Rob Lowe), but after the pilot Aaron Sorkin decided to change this as the entire cast has such great chemistry. So if you don't like the feel of the pilot then give it a few episodes. Martin Sheen plays my favorite on screen President (Sorry Kevin Spacey), and the rest of the cast make up the senior staff, as they have to deal with a Republican majority in congress.

This show taught me a lot of things about American politics, including the pardoning of the Turkey. I thought that it was a joke written in, but no, it's actually real. Remember, I am not American. West Wing is available on Netflix for those of you in the US, UK readers will need NOW TV to watch this series.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles
                                                                 [Courtesy of Paramount Pictures]

This is the one of the few Thanksgiving movies, but that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be on this list. Planes, Trains and Automobiles is a classic. It follows Neal Page (Steve Martin), as he is trying to get home to his family in Chicago. nothing seems to go right in his day, which makes Neal increasingly uptight. He is stuck with Del Griffith (John Candy), who he finds irritable and is his opposite of sorts. When there flight is redirected to Kansas they must overcome not only the weather but each other in order to get Neal home to his family. It will have you in stitches, and it will make you cry. Well it made me cry, I am a big softy though. 

For US readers this movie is available to stream on Netflix and again for those in the UK this movie is available on NOW TV. 

The Wire
                                                                                [Courtesy of HBO]

I don't know about you but I love the Wire, I've watched it multiple times but most people I know won't give it a god damn chance. The Wire follows Jimmy "What the F*** Did I Do?" McNulty (Dominic West) as he tries to bring down Baltimore's biggest and most illustrious drug lord. Seriously they don't even know what Avon Barksdale (Wood Harris) looks like. The story is told through the eyes of not only the police officers but also the drugs gangs on the street, as D'Angelo Barksdale (Larry Gilliard Jr) is demoted to the Pit. 

It is one of my favorite shows, and will keep you entertained from the very beginning. If you haven't watched the Wire then give it a go, if you have then it is great on a rewatch, well besides season two. For US readers it is available to stream on HBO Now, for UK readers it isn't currently available to stream at the moment.

Free Birds
                                                                      [Courtesy of Relativity Media]

Free Birds is the tale of the pardoned turkey (still real guys), Reggie (Owen Wilson), who is kidnapped by Jake (Woody Harrelson) and finds a time machine. The mission is to go back to the first Thanksgiving and take Turkey off the menu. It's not a brilliant film, but it will keep the kids occupied, although they may not want to eat Turkey after watching this. Just saying.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine
                                                                                          [Courtesy of Fox]

Brooklyn Nine-Nine is one of my favorite newish Comedy shows. It follows the fictional precinct of detectives as their new Captain (Andre Braugher) arrives and tries to make this precinct perform better. The cast have to deal with a whole host of problems in a comedic fashion, lead by Andy Samberg as Jake Peralta, the chemistry that the whole cast have is great, especially as there as so many main characters in this show. I have watched the first season of this show multiple times (thanks Netflix UK) and I always laugh, which is pretty rare on rewatching, that is how good the jokes on this show are. 

The first season is available to watch on Netflix for those in the UK and all episodes are available on Hulu for those in the US.

The Hunger Games
                                                                                  [Courtesy of Lionsgate]

In honor of the last movie being in cinemas why not binge watch all three of the first movies. Follow Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) of Panem, as she volunteers to take her sister's place in the sadistic Hunger Games, a tournament which picks two teenagers from each of the twelve districts to fight to the death. The victor goes onto fame and fortune, the rest die for the entertainment of adults. We then follow Katniss journey into the second and third movies, as she is emotional scarred by these games.

A selection of these movies are available to stream on Hulu for those in the US and Netflix for UK readers.

                                                                               [Courtesy of The BBC]

Now this is a great show to binge watch if you have a weekend free, so will perfectly fit into your Thanksgiving schedule. Each season has three episodes which are under 90 minutes long, and thanks to the work schedules of both Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Dr. Watson (Martin Freeman) this show only has three seasons, with one Christmas special. This is the contemporary version of the novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and it came out a whole two years before Elementary. Sherlock the consulting detective solves various mysteries throughout London, and befriends Watson, who recently got injured in Afghanistan.

The show takes cases from the novels and modernises them. Definite binge watch material. You'll find yourself looking for the clues in your own life, great cast, great acting and is available on Netflix in both the UK and US. Although the US gets season three, which isn't fair. Sherlock will be back on screens this Christmas.

                                                                                     [Courtesy of NBC]

So that's my list of great shows and movies for you guys to check out during the holiday weekend of Thanksgiving. There are so many of them though, so check out below for my speed list of other potential great movies and tv shows to binge watch. All that's left is to say a big HAPPY TURKEY DAY to those of you in the states. Remember be thankful for those little moments, and maybe check in on your elderly neighbours who may not have any family to share this holiday with.
  • Friends
  • The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
  • Fargo
  • Star Wars Trilogy (Whatever one you prefer, we will not hate you here... maybe)
  • The Sopranos
  • Die Hard
  • New Girl
  • Shrek
  • The Good Wife
  • Bond Movies
  • Modern Family
There is seriously too many great things to watch this weekend. I couldn't possibly list them all. If you liked this post then please check out my reviews below.

Jessica Jones Episodes 1-2 Review -

Agents of Shield: Two Heads One Tale -


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