[Courtesy of Warner Bros/DC Comics]
Now I hear you all saying what about Arrow, or Gotham? But they are a bit too dark for my own taste. I enjoy my Superheroes with just a little cheese factor, as a constant serious tone will eventually put me off. So I just recently discovered the Flash and managed to binge watch the hell out of the first season.
I actually cannot believe that Grant Gustin will not be playing the Flash on the big screen. I don't think I'd be interested in watching The Flash Movie as it will just be a rehashing of what we have right now, which I'm not interested in watching.
So what is so good about this show? It's funny, lighthearted, yet it can be serious. There are great twists and turns for everyone and also some great easter eggs for those that know what to look for.
Metahuman's are usually the big enemies but sometimes its just horrible humans, like my current favourite villian, Captain Cold. There's even a Gorilla in this series, who wouldn't want to see that?
If you haven't watched The Flash yet, as some people out there stay away from everything DC besides Batman, then give it a shot. If you don't like it then try something more dark like Arrow or Gotham.
Another show which has a similar tone to The Flash is Supergirl. You might get fed up hearing the words, "My Cousin," but it does have a lot of spirit and some great potential. I suppose I'm being too hard on the cousin thing but I just feel like this show needs to remind you of that fact, even if we already know it.
So I guess what this whole post is designed to do is remind everyone that no matter if it's Marvel or DC superhero television is great. If you enjoy cheesy Marvel stuff then you will enjoy the DC cheese. Same goes for the dark stuff. Give Superheroes a chance!
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