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Agents of Shield: Among Us Hide...

                                                         [Courtesy of Marvel/abc]

So I don't quite know how to start this one besides to warn you all about about SPOILERS! I think I will give a short overview and give my thoughts like I usually do but if you'd instead like a top moments list then please comment below.

So the episode starts with a pissed off May (Ming-Na Wen) as she heads back to base to find out from Coulson (Clark Gregg) that Andrew (Blair Underwood) has being rolled into the medical facility. Turns out he is alive, and May is hell bent on making Ward pay. They both question Andrew, asking him what happened, his story is that a SHIELD agent, who Coulson had tailing him, saved his life and as he hid the place went up and he was thrown from the site. Now if you read my previous Agents of Shield recaps then you may know a theory by Josh Macuga which I was in favour of, so this story had me all, yeah right Andrew. Too many holes.

So then May runs into Hunter (Nick blood), she is not happy with him for putting Andrew at risk but Hunter reminds her that Coulson ordered him to take out Ward, but May feels that it's personal. Coulson removes Hunter from operation Hydra and puts May on it instead. In camp Hydra, Ward (Brett Dalton) seems unhappy and is discussing how SHIELD agents got to him so easily with his number 2, Kebo (Daz Crawford). Kebo tells Ward that he followed the protocol and the blame lays in the hands of Von Strucker (Spencer Clark), who hasn't reported back in since the incident. Ward then sends Kebo after him.

Back at headquarters, Coulson runs into Daisy (Chloe Bennet) who is pissed at Lash and has a theory that he is part of the ATCU. Coulson tells a less than thrilled Daisy that he is going on a tour of their facility later today. May basically walks into the gym and goes straight for Bobbi (Adrianne Palicki), asking her if she needs someone else to fight her battles for her, they go at it and Bobbi then realises that May is testing her. Turns out she's field ready after all. They both leave to find Ward as Hunter tries to go with them but May is having none of it.

May and Bobbi go off to the Cayman islands to find Von Strucker, as he has an off shore back account there. Von Strucker is with Gideon Malick (Powers Booth), who if you remember appears in earlier episodes and also the Avengers movie. He tells Malick about Ward, which Malick then remarks about the old guard not standing for this, and he will take care of it.

                                                                       [Courtesy of Marvel/ABC]

Coulson is with Rosalind (Constance Zimmer), they are both on there way to the ATCU facilities when Rosalind receives and urgent call. She tries to get Coulson to leave but he won't have it and tags along with her. Turns out she's going home. As Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) is making fake ID's for Bobbi and May's mission Hunter appears in the lab. He seems to be trying to find a place to fit in and ends up putting his foot in it by telling Fitz to not help Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) bring back Will. Fitz tells Hunter to leave, which he promptly does.

Daisy and Andrew are talking as he wonders the halls with his I.V. She talks to him about Lash and asks if he has any insight as to why he saved her. Daisy tells him what she saw that night and Andrew seems a bit too curious about Lincoln's (Luke Mitchell) whereabouts. Mack (Henry Simmons) then interrupts and asks Daisy to come into another room. he theorises that the ACTU's own Banks may be Lash. They decided to track him down as Hunter invites himself along.

May and Bobbi on the other hand are breaking into Von Strucker's bank, as they retrieve the lock box they trigger an Alarm. The banker and two guards appear, Bobbi tries to talk her way out of it. It seems to be working for some time but as one of the guards reaches for his gun they both take them down and take the lock box contents. This may signal that Bobbi is weary but then again so would most people after what happened to her at the end of last season.

Mack, Daisy and Hunter are stalking Banks, they speak of his background before they both start to get pretty angry at Hunter for what happened to Andrew. Banks then gets into his car and the three of them tail him. Rosalind arrives at her home with Coulson in toe, turns out she's had a break in but Coulson is more concerned with her new furniture and signed bats. As the team follow Banks he gets out of his car to talk on the phone, as Mack and Daisy discuss there next move Hunter gets out the van, with a bandanna covering his face and he shoots Banks with an icer. He brings him back to the van and has the great idea of testing Banks blood for inhuman markers. Go Hunter!

                                                                [Courtesy of Marvel/ABC]

Simmons is with Andrew and she is taking on the role of psychiatrist in this episode, in a slightly condescending way. As they talk Daisy phones and asks Simmons to check Banks DNA. At that moment Bank's gets a text message telling him to come to Endo Tech, so Daisy, Mack and Hunter go to check it out. Back in Rosalind's apartment the police leave and she gets burgers delivered from Coulson's favourite burger place. He is very suspicious and rightly so as nothing seems to have been taken and he feels as though this has all been an act to stop him from checking there facility. Rosalind agrees to take him,

The contents of the lock box lead May and Bobbi to a penthouse in Lisbon, May knows something is not right with Bobbi and she questions her reluctance to fight. She tells Bobbi that what happened with Ward can also make her stronger and feels as though she is locking herself away. Back in Hydra, Kebo has a phone call for Ward, turns out its Malick, who instead of sticking up for Von Strucker as he said he would is actually turning him over to Ward for his favour.

Back with Mack, Daisy and Hunter, Endo Tech is covered with security but Daisy has a secret weapon, a Dwarf! That's right the dwarves will be back, this time with cloaking technology. Turns out she stole it from Fitz who said it wasn't ready, and Simmons then calls to tell Daisy that Banks is not an inhuman. Simmons then talks to Fitz and asks him about there little side project, turns out Fitz has run several simulations, none of them work, but it seems like he hasn't gave up hope. But as she leaves it turns out Fitz had been looking at Will's information.

                                                                              [Courtesy of Marvel/ABC]

Daisy and the team are positive Endo Tech is a front for the ATCU and they all seem pretty curious to have a peak inside. They send in Dwarf 2.0 as the delivery arrives and they watch as an Inhuman is contained in a clear box, in a coma and stored away. Daisy is not happy and is less that thrilled to see Coulson with Rosalind as the package is delivered. Turns out Rosalind is explaining there system to a less than thrilled Coulson. She tells him the subjects are in stasis and that these where the subjects who were in the most trouble from there powers. She knows it looks bad but they are close to a cure for those who do not want there powers. Coulson puts the pieces together to figure out Rosalind lost someone, her husband, from cancer. Maybe this is why she feels the need to find a cure.

As Kebo is torturing Von Strucker, May and Bobbi burst into the room. Kebo stabs Strucker and runs out of the room, Bobbi runs after him as May is left with two of his henchmen. Bobbi is attacked by a sentry who she fights and then she catches up with Kebo, as they both end up in a pool he tries to drown her. May quickly deals with the henchmen and uncuffs Strucker who has his petrified eyes on again. She asks him where to find Ward but he doesn't answer, he's delirious from the beating he just took. Bobbi is fighting back outside, she grabs her baton fighting her way out. As she makes her way out of the pool, Kebo says she cannot defeat him, turns out she can by using her baton to electrocute him in the pool.

Back with May and Von Strucker he tells her that they had Andrew in there sights, he didn't know he would change, he would transform into that thing. He tells her that they had him surrounded, took out his SHIELD agent and then we see Andrew transform into Lash. Lash then takes out the entire shop, burning it to the ground as he goes. May tells him it can't be true but Von Strucker asks her what Andrew is as he dies. Does she believe him? That I do not know. Back at base, Daisy is on the phone with Lincoln, he won't tell her where he is and as they hang up Andrew appears. He asks Daisy about the Lash hunt and then moves onto Lincoln, turns out she doesn't know where he is. Then we see the big bad stare. Oh my!

                                                                                [Courtesy of Marvel/ABC]

So I really enjoyed this episode, there where lots of stuff happening and you have to commend the writing team for not stretching out a storyline. As for Andrew being Lash, I have made my peace with it, it does make sense, if he left May due to the fish oil incident, he may have took the fish oil and transformed which I think is highly unlikely as there would be evidence left behind. I think he has always been Lash, and it wasn't until the fish oil incident that he let his powers take over and started killing those he believes are not worthy. But more importantly what do you guys think? Comment below, is it a terrible idea by putting Lash in with our heroes? Should they have done it differently?

I would also like to apologise for this post, my laptop won't charge due to a power cable issue and as my phone likes to delete posts I decided to do this on my other halves PC which is just terrible, the keys won't work properly, I now understand why he is constantly misspelling words and not using capital letters. If you made it through this then I commend you, but if you would like to check out my similar posts then please check them out below.

My post on The Walking Dead and Once Upon a Time -

My Top 10 Scary Movies -


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