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The Six Best Christmas Specials Ever!

                                              I love Christmas specials, they are little short Christmas Movies which means we can cram in much more of them at a time. They are perfect for binge watching all day long, so what should you be watching on this Christmas Eve? Well have a look at the following. 6. Brooklyn Nine-Nine My favourite Christmas Episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine has got to be the season one special titled Christmas. What does this episode not have? Jake (Andy Samberg) and Boyle (Jo Lo Trunnion) get beat up by two Santa's, Jake is in charge of Captain Holt (Andre Braugher) after the Captain received some death threats, Terry (Terry Crews) has a psych evaluation and Amy (Melissa Funeral) enlists the help of Gina (Chelsea Peretti) to make Holt a Christmas card. Definitely worth a watch and I laughed all the way through it. I have heard good things about the latest Christmas Episode but as I am in the UK I haven't seen it yet. Would recommend a double fe

Star Wars: The Force Awakens SPOILER REVIEW!

                                                                              [Lucasfilm/Disney] I would like to start this review by apologising. I have has some severe electrical problems in my living room, which is where my router is placed so I have no internet until just before Christmas, so I couldn't post the second part of my predictions for this movie yesterday. I will start this review by stating SPOILERS, SPOILER AND MORE SPOILERS will be in this thread, so if you haven't watched this movie yet then do yourself a favour and walk away from this review. . . . . . . . You done yet? . . . . .                                                                                       [Lucasfilm/Disney] Ok I'll admit it, I WAS WRONG! I thought Rey (Daisy Ridley) was the product of Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher), oops! Turns out as you all know they did have a child and it was indeed Mr Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) or Ben as Han calls

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Predictions! (Part 1!)

                                                                                       [Disney/Lucasfilm] Hello guys, it's been nearly a whole week since my last post and a lot of stuffs happened. I am still feeling like I am just descending from a very high rollercoaster, which isn't great but I just have to suffer through this in order to post this special predictions post before I go and see The Force Awakens tomorrow evening. It's mostly so I can laugh at myself and how wrong I was after I see the movie, and you can all laugh at me too. I have stayed away from the internet as well as non spoiler reviews of this movie as I just want to go in with fresh eyes and no expectations so none of my speculation has been taken from anywhere else. Who is Rey?                                                                         [Disney/Lucasfilm] There has been plenty of speculation around this character. I think it's pretty obvious from everything we have seen t


                              [Tristar Pictures] No this is nothing to do with David Bowie, Magic or Baby kidnapping. I have labyrinthitis which is a swelling in the labyrinth ear canal which is caused by a bacterial infection, remember that flu I had? So this post is basically to say I won't be posting until I am over it. If there was no Vertigo I'd happily be posting away. But every few minutes the Vertigo hits and I start feeling sick. So my whole point is there will be no posts until I get a handle on this nausea or it goes away. I'm hoping it'll be the first one as it can take up too six weeks to get any better. So I thought I'd take a minute and give you the posts you would have missed out this week. I will be so vague so don't worry about spoilers. Once Upon a Time - Great time in the mid-season finale. Almost cried like a baby but I didn't. Looking forward to seeing the underworld and probably bumping into Hercules down there. Agents of S

Not really excited for Batman v Superman!

Sorry I'm just not excited for this movie. The trailer is meh, sorry guys but it is. Compare any Batman V Superman trailers to the first Civil war trailer and it just blows it out of the park. Many of you will disagree with me but I just can't get excited for this movie and I'm usually the one that sticks up for DC. So we see some banter between Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) and Clark Kent (Henry Cavill) as they exchange pleasantries. Why would Bruce Wayne be talking to a reporter, especially about matters regarding Batman and Superman. Unless he knows that Clark Kent is Superman. Yes the banter is interesting but it doesn't make sense, and then in comes Lex Luthor Jr (Jesse Eisenberg) who I'm just not 100% convinced by at this very moment. I'm not saying he is going to be bad, he's quippy which I usually like and most of the world thinks this Lex Luthor is great, but I just can't put my finger on what I don't like about this character.        

Game of Thrones Season 6 Teaser

So for those of you living under a rock, Game of Thrones launched it's official season six trailer last night. For those of you not caught up with Bran's chapters in the books, or with Season 5 of the show then be warned, SPOILERS ARE COMING .  The trailer starts with a look at Jon Snow (Kit Harington), don't rejoice this is a flashback to Hardhome last season. The voice of Bloodraven (Max von Sydow) or Brynden Rivers depending on which name you prefer to call him, plays over these clips.             "We watch, we listen and we remember. The past is already written, the ink is dry."                                                                          [Game of Thrones/HBO] We see Jon being stabbed by Olly (Brenock O'Connor), Ned (Sean Bean) losing his head as Arya (Maisie Williams) looks on, Catelyn (Michelle Fairley) getting her throat slit at the Red Wedding. Arya then loses her sight, A wildling (which I can't yet identify) swinging hi

My week off!

             [Quickmeme] Hello everybody. I took an inpromptu week off this week. Was only meant to be for Thanksgiving weekend but on Sunday I started to get a bad flu. Still not quite right at the moment. Chicken noodle soup would be great at the moment.                                   [USA Network] So what have I been watching on my week off? Besides the shows I usually write for this week I started watching Mr. robot, and I have to say it is pretty great. Think Fight Club meets The Social Network, very much shot like a David Fincher movie. It's gritty and had me hooked pretty quickly. Definitely a must see for those who haven't watched it already. [Paramount Pictures] So I decided it was time to watch some Christmas Movies and I popped this on. I thought it would be great and I'd be instantly transported back to my childhood. It wasn't great, it was OK I suppose and the ending was pretty great. I'm no prude but what I can't abide

Telltale Game: Game of Thrones Episode One Recap


Ok, I lied, I need Civil War now please, thank you! LET'S WATCH THAT AGAIN! Ok I am excited, even more than I was previously. I can't believe I let this slip by me unnoticed for a whole eleven hours. I am getting sloppy! I have been looking for this trailer every day for the past month, but the one day I go to the doctors and get my shopping is the day that it drops. In this trailer we see Captain America (Chris Evans) and Falcon (Anthony Mackie) catch up with Bucky (Sebastian Stan). He can now remember Steve, down to the weird detail of newspapers in his shoes. The dialogue continues over explosions and scared people who seem to be running from something. Bucky is not a bad guy, he was brainwashed, and now he remembers everything. It looks as though they are in Germany as they have the word Polizei on their uniform's. The team of Police Officers are about to infiltrate his position and they are going to kill Bucky. It looks as though Bucky get's away, and Cap is


                                                                                      [Courtesy of Fox] So I'm Scottish and we don't get the whole Thanksgiving thing, but I have watched a lot of movies and television which give the rest of the world a nice little insight into this holiday. So you have time off work, you're not taking part in those crazy sales (which have also became a tradition over here, thanks), and you're stuffed from eating your weight in delicious foods. What do you watch? Harry Potter                                                                  [Courtesy of Warner Bros] So I don't know about you but nothing screams November more than our beloved Harry Potter, and there are eight movies for you to binge watch throughout the weekend. I just rewatched these and they hold up, you'll feel the magic, panic and feel relieved as the battle comes to a close. Witness Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe), a poor orphan boy who lives in a cu

Jessica Jones Episodes 1-2

                                                                          [Courtesy of Marvel/Netflix] Jessica Jones launched this Friday and after a weekend of mostly binge watching I decided it was time to talk about it. I really enjoyed this show and will be giving my opinion on the first two episodes below. SPOILER warning for those who haven't watch any of these episodes as I will be analysing each episode. A.K.A Ladies Night                                                                           [Courtesy of Marvel/Netflix] So in the first episode Jessica (Krysten Ritter) is a loner, she stays from people as they just cause complications. We get a sense that she has done something, something dark, but we don't quite know what it could be. The day starts with an argument with a client who she throws through her door, she then narrates her typical New York day, and she ends it by spying on Luke Cage (Mike Colter). She wakes up in her apartment to find Malcolm

Agents of Shield: Many Heads, One Tale Top Moments

                                                                             [Courtesy of Marvel/ABC] This episode was pretty much near perfect, when I watched it I was all wrapped up in it, but after a day of reflection there was one fundamental flaw in this episode, and it was just one aspect, the speed of one reveal.  Yes the speeds been a factor in episodes prior and I have loved these episodes, but I would have liked one specific moment to have been stretched ever so slightly. SPOILER WARNING, for those who have yet to watch this week’s new episode. 5. Fitz + Simmons Sitting in a Tree!                                                                               [Courtesy of Marvel/ABC] So last week we had hope which meant this week we had to have a conflicted Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge). There tale begins with Simmons being angry at Fitz (Iain de Caestecker) for being so nice and understanding about the whole Will (Dillion Casey) thing. She storms out the la