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Star Wars: The Force Awakens SPOILER REVIEW!


I would like to start this review by apologising. I have has some severe electrical problems in my living room, which is where my router is placed so I have no internet until just before Christmas, so I couldn't post the second part of my predictions for this movie yesterday. I will start this review by stating SPOILERS, SPOILER AND MORE SPOILERS will be in this thread, so if you haven't watched this movie yet then do yourself a favour and walk away from this review.
You done yet?

Ok I'll admit it, I WAS WRONG! I thought Rey (Daisy Ridley) was the product of Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher), oops! Turns out as you all know they did have a child and it was indeed Mr Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) or Ben as Han calls him. I was also so wrong about Finn (John Boyega) which I am very pleased about, I like that he was on his first mission and had second thoughts. I think that it suits the story better. I also am really pleased about Rey's character, I was about to shout out FINALLY, while I was watching this last night, until I realised I was in a jam packed cinema.

The movie follows Poe Dameron (Oscar Issac) who has been sent by Leia Organa to find Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) who has mysteriously disappeared. He visits Lor San Tekka (Max von Sydow) on Jakku who gives him part of a map. The first order are also looking for Luke and as Poe is leaving they appear meaning that he has to hide the map in BB-8 and then he is captured by the First Order and tortured by Kylo Ren who learns the location of the map. Finn, a stormtrooper, was on his first mission on Jakku and sees first hand what the order does. He does not like it and decides to save the pilot in order to save himself. This leads to some comedy and chemistry between these two characters. Until they are shot out of the sky and Finn is left alone with Poe's jacket (#starwarsjacketconfirmation).

Rey a scavenger has been left on Jakku by her family, she finds BB-8 as he is about to be picked up and stripped for parts by a scavenger. She helps the droid and they strike up a great little friendship and BB-8 sticks around her while waiting on Poe to land back on Jakku. While this is happening we get to see Snoke (Andy Serkis), in hologram form (I hope he isn't that big) advising Kylo Ren and General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson). I like their dynamic, it's almost as if Hux and Ren are siblings fighting for affection from their supreme leader Daddy.

Finn is left alone in Jakku and finds Poe's droid with Rey, he goes to save her from scavengers but she can pretty much handle herself. Just then the first order descend onto Jakku and Finn knows that they will target Rey as she is with the droid they are looking for. She thinks he is a resistance fighter and they run together and come across the only ship that hasn't been blasted to pieces which turns out to be the millennium falcon.


Rey has some skill on her and Finn is not too bad with a blaster, during the entire chase scene through Jakku my jaw had dropped as it just looked amazing and I got to watch it in 3-d which was just extra amazing (not trying to brag). They get away and run right into Han Solo and Chewie's (Peter Mayhew) freighter, they have been looking for the Millennium Falcon for quite some time. After Finn and Rey find out they are speaking to thee Han Solo they then explain what BB-8 is carrying and he helps him, even if that means he has to deal with a certain princess. The First order finds out that the Millennium Falcon is involved and we then find out that Kylo Ren is Han and Leia's son.

Han explains the force and that Luke left because his young apprentice turned against him. He then brings them to Maz Kanata (Lupita Nyong'o) on Takodana. He thinks Maz will be able get them a ship and take them to the resistance. While they are there Finn decides to tell Rey about his real roots, he tells her they cannot win and goes to find a ship. Rey hears a young girl's voice from a distance as she comes closer and closer towards it the noise seems to be coming from a box. When she opens it she discovers Luke lightsaber and is taken into a dream like state, she sees herself being left as a child and other mysterious visions. Maz Kanata finds her and tries to explain that Rey has force inside of her but she is having none of it and leaves.

When she leaves the Starkiller is acquiring its targets, they watch as several worlds are blown to annihilation and the First Order land on Takodana in pursuit of the droid. The Order are destroying the place until the resistance comes in to save the day and we find out that Poe is actually alive. Then Kylo Ren finds Rey, reads her mind and he finds out that she has seen the map, to him this means he has what he wants and he takes Rey back to the base. Finn sees this and instantly changes his mind about leaving.


Leia then lands on Takodana and as she is about to have her moment with Han C3P0 (Anthony Daniels) does what he does best and walks right into the middle of it. They return to the resistance base and we then find out that R2D2 (Kenny Baker) has been inactive ever since Luke's disappearance. Kylo Ren is getting no where with Rey as she is beginning to use her powers so The First Order has a plan to strike at the resistance by using Starkiller on the resistance base, Ren pleads for more time but Snoke is having none of it. The weapon has to be charged by absorbing a sun, so this gives the resistance time to man a counter attack, Finn states that he knows a weakness so he sets off with Han and Chewbacca and Leia asks Han to bring their son home.

The Millennium Falcon's hyperdrive to infiltrate Starkiller base. As they land it turns out that the weakness Finn knew about was just rubbish in order to save Rey and they decide to use some dynamite instead. Ren senses Han's presence and goes to find him. Turns out Rey didn't need saving after all and managed to jedi mind trick her way out of the situation and she eventually runs into the gang. They split up to set off charges and Ren appears on the hunt, Han hides at first but then shouts, "BEN!" in such a Dad like voice that it even made me want to stop in my tracks. They talk, we see that Ren may not be all bad and Han does love him, no matter what. Leia feels what has happened and looks heartbroken. Ren knows what he must do, turns out that means killing his own father as Rey, Finn and Chewie watch on helpless to stop this from happening. Even at his end Han loves his son. Chewie then shots Ren in the gut.

Chewie then sets off the bombs which help the X-wings which are currently battling above the base They then set off a chain reaction which destroys the Starkiller. Finn and Rey then bump into Ren who is waiting for them, he throws Rey into a tree and then starts a lightsaber fight with Finn. They go at it for a little while but eventually Ren overpowers Finn, as he is about to kill him but opts to do it with his grandfather's lightsaber. He is stopped though by Rey who instead takes the lightsaber using the force. They fight with their lightsabers and she eventually overpowers him. The planet then cracks and separates the two, meaning both will live to fight another day.

Chewbacca then appears in the Falcon and helps Rey bring Finn onboard. They go to the resistance base and while everyone celebrates Leia, Chewie and Rey mourn Han's passing. Then all of a sudden R2D2 wakes up, much to BB-8's pleasure. He has the other part of the map, which means the resistance now know of Luke's location. Rey is sent to find him and boards the falcon along with R2D2 and Chewbacca. They go to a distant planet and while searching Rey finds Luke and presents him with his father's lightsaber.

What Did I think?

I've never really been thee biggest Star Wars fan, I liked it but I always thought something was missing and that something was a bad ass female wielding a lightsaber. Rey made that movie for me, she is who I wanted to see Leia become, and don't give me all this Leia was bad ass crap, yes she could shoot a blaster but she should have been trained alongside Luke. She has powers too you know. I really enjoyed the rest of the movie, it was a fun adventure. I have one thing I didn't like though and that was the underuse of Captain Phasma, but besides that I am really excited for the next one and I will be going to see this movie again.

I didn't think they would kill Han off in this one, but I am glad that they did, not because I don't like Han Solo but because it moves the story forward and it gives our heroes that much more to fight for. I like that Luke had no lines and was just there at the end of the movie looking like a proper Jedi. I am interested to see how much more dark killing his father made Kylo Ren and I am also desperate to find out who Rey's parents are, as well as Finns.

But I ultimately came out of this movie with two big questions.

  • Is Luke Rey's father? - I don't know. It is possible, she has the force inside of her but wouldn't it be great if instead she was a product of sith? 
  • Is Snoke Darth Plagueis? - I think he is, he looks injured, as though he has been in recovery for quite some time. 
Next Week

So as I said at the start of this review I will not have internet access until the middle of next week. But I will have another Star Wars review for you then, my other half, who is such a big Star Wars fan asked me if he could write a review with his view on my blog. So you'll have a few days to look forward to that one. 

May the Force be with you!


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