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Star Wars: The Force Awakens Predictions! (Part 1!)


Hello guys, it's been nearly a whole week since my last post and a lot of stuffs happened. I am still feeling like I am just descending from a very high rollercoaster, which isn't great but I just have to suffer through this in order to post this special predictions post before I go and see The Force Awakens tomorrow evening. It's mostly so I can laugh at myself and how wrong I was after I see the movie, and you can all laugh at me too. I have stayed away from the internet as well as non spoiler reviews of this movie as I just want to go in with fresh eyes and no expectations so none of my speculation has been taken from anywhere else.

Who is Rey?


There has been plenty of speculation around this character. I think it's pretty obvious from everything we have seen that this character is related in some way to the original characters from a New Hope. I myself believe that she is the child of both Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher), I believe she is force sensitive like her mother and Uncle Luke and will lead the charge against Snoke and Kylo Ren throughout these movies.

I believe at the start of the movie that she has been shipped off to that planet in order to keep her hidden from the new order. I think that as the New Order is on there way to capture her to try and turn her to the dark side as Finn (John Boyega) runs into her. I'm excited to see a woman at the helm of this franchise and from the trailers I believe that Daisy Ridley will kill it!

Who is Finn?

I believe that Finn is a stormtrooper whose mission is to capture Rey and learn the location of the rest of the rebel alliance. Yup, I believe the whole trailer is misdirection and he is really working for the New Order. I believe he will go on a typical anti-hero's arc and he will later begin to release that the order are the bad guys and everything that he has grown up believing is a lie. I think this will happen in the second act of the movie after he fights with Kylo Ren or after he saves Poe Dameron from all that torture.

I do not think he is force sensitive, I believe he can wield a lightsaber as troopers in the trailers are proficient with melee weapons. I really want to be wrong about this character, maybe the trailer is right and he has been cast aside from the New Order and he just happens to run into Rey. I'm not sure though. and I do kinda hope he is force sensitive as John Boyega does look really good at wielding that lightsaber. 

Who is Kylo Ren

This one is a little tougher, and I am really torn between what I think his origin story is. I really believe that Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and Rey are twins. BUT I also know that they're are books out there which aren't Star Wars canon but follow a similar story of Han and Leia's twins where one of them turns out to be evil. I think that as this theory is way too close to original source material which to me makes it feel that it is wrong and they won't turn out to be twins after all. They could be siblings, but again it would be too much on the nose. So with no other option avaliable at my disposal then I am going to call it and state that Kylo Ren is Luke Skywalker's (Mark Hamill) son, making him and Rey cousins. 

I think, in true Skywalker fashion, Ren is motivated to go against his father, especially after he found out about his bad ass Grandpa. I've heard snippets of him not being force sensitive which I will call shenanigans on right here and now, I believe he is force sensitive and just craves more and more power. Maybe Luke failed his own son in some way and this has opened up his thirst for the dark side, but I think Kylo Ren will eventually turn back to the light side by the end of Episode 9. 


RUBBISH! I hear you all, scream at me in the comments. I am by no means a expert on this sort of thing and have stayed away from most of the TV spots and International Trailers released for this movie as I don't want to know more than I already do. I believe that it will just ruin it for me and I'll become slightly depressed if it does, so feel free to tell me how wrong I am, but if you're in one of the lovely countries in which The Force Awakens premiered in today or if you were lucky enough to go to the premier then please no spoiling this for anyone. Especially me!

Tomorrow we will talk Poe Dameron and BB-8's relationship, the possibility of twins, the possibility of Darth Plagueis, the possibility that Lando and Finn are related and who I think is going to die! That's right, I am calling it tomorrow! 28 Hours until I can see this movie.. hurry up clock!

If you like my mad ramblings then please check out some of my other posts below, you might end up liking them too.


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