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Not really excited for Batman v Superman!

Sorry I'm just not excited for this movie. The trailer is meh, sorry guys but it is. Compare any Batman V Superman trailers to the first Civil war trailer and it just blows it out of the park. Many of you will disagree with me but I just can't get excited for this movie and I'm usually the one that sticks up for DC.

So we see some banter between Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) and Clark Kent (Henry Cavill) as they exchange pleasantries. Why would Bruce Wayne be talking to a reporter, especially about matters regarding Batman and Superman. Unless he knows that Clark Kent is Superman. Yes the banter is interesting but it doesn't make sense, and then in comes Lex Luthor Jr (Jesse Eisenberg) who I'm just not 100% convinced by at this very moment. I'm not saying he is going to be bad, he's quippy which I usually like and most of the world thinks this Lex Luthor is great, but I just can't put my finger on what I don't like about this character.

                                                                                    [Warner Bros/DC]

We then see parts of the teaser which was released at the start of the week, this little fifty second sneak peak was actually better than this full trailer. Superman is doing his thing, and he goes into the senate as Luthor Jr speaks to Senator Finch. Alfred (Jeremy Irons) appears on screen, and in true Alfred fashion he is trying to talk Batman down from fighting when he can't win, calling it suicide as we see some clips of Bruce and a child and Gotham being destroyed.

We then see clips of Batman V Superman as Lex Luthor Jr calls it the greatest Gladiator match in the history of the world. Lois Lane (Amy Adams) calls Lex psychotic to which he calls this a three syllable word for any thought too big for little minds. Batman keeps fighting as Superman tells him to stand down. We then see Lex Luthor Jr with Zod's (Michael Shannon) body and he creates what looks like Doomsday. As Doomsday goes to fry Batman Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) shows up and saves him with her shield. There is then a little quip between Batman and Superman about who Wonder Woman is with.

Ok, why the hell didn't Wonder Woman at least get one line of dialogue? Why did they have to put in Doomsday, couldn't then just have cut it where the screen goes black and you hear him roar? Where the hell is Aquaman? Aquaman is the one part of this movie where I hear people complaining, put him in the trailer in a great action shot and shut all the doubters up. Yes it's great that Wonder Woman get's a bit of action, yes I love this character and feel like she deserves to be in something great. I want this movie to be good, I just don't feel excited for it.

                                                                                       [Warner Bros/DC]

I do really enjoy the Wonder Woman outfit and I really like the premise of a Batman V Superman movie. There are three of my favorite DC superheroes since childhood all in this movie. I just don't feel it. The first trailer heightened my expectations, this one just brought them down to the level they were at before. I really want this movie to be great, so I do hope I'm wrong.

So what did you think? Am I wrong? Did this trailer excite you? Are you more excited to go see it now? Comment below.

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