Ok, I lied, I need Civil War now please, thank you! LET'S WATCH THAT AGAIN! Ok I am excited, even more than I was previously. I can't believe I let this slip by me unnoticed for a whole eleven hours. I am getting sloppy! I have been looking for this trailer every day for the past month, but the one day I go to the doctors and get my shopping is the day that it drops. In this trailer we see Captain America (Chris Evans) and Falcon (Anthony Mackie) catch up with Bucky (Sebastian Stan). He can now remember Steve, down to the weird detail of newspapers in his shoes. The dialogue continues over explosions and scared people who seem to be running from something. Bucky is not a bad guy, he was brainwashed, and now he remembers everything. It looks as though they are in Germany as they have the word Polizei on their uniform's. The team of Police Officers are about to infiltrate his position and they are going to kill Bucky. It looks as though Bucky get's away, and Cap is...