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Showing posts from November, 2015

Telltale Game: Game of Thrones Episode One Recap


Ok, I lied, I need Civil War now please, thank you! LET'S WATCH THAT AGAIN! Ok I am excited, even more than I was previously. I can't believe I let this slip by me unnoticed for a whole eleven hours. I am getting sloppy! I have been looking for this trailer every day for the past month, but the one day I go to the doctors and get my shopping is the day that it drops. In this trailer we see Captain America (Chris Evans) and Falcon (Anthony Mackie) catch up with Bucky (Sebastian Stan). He can now remember Steve, down to the weird detail of newspapers in his shoes. The dialogue continues over explosions and scared people who seem to be running from something. Bucky is not a bad guy, he was brainwashed, and now he remembers everything. It looks as though they are in Germany as they have the word Polizei on their uniform's. The team of Police Officers are about to infiltrate his position and they are going to kill Bucky. It looks as though Bucky get's away, and Cap is...


                                                                                      [Courtesy of Fox] So I'm Scottish and we don't get the whole Thanksgiving thing, but I have watched a lot of movies and television which give the rest of the world a nice little insight into this holiday. So you have time off work, you're not taking part in those crazy sales (which have also became a tradition over here, thanks), and you're stuffed from eating your weight in delicious foods. What do you watch? Harry Potter                                                                  [Courtesy of Warner Bros] So I d...

Jessica Jones Episodes 1-2

                                                                          [Courtesy of Marvel/Netflix] Jessica Jones launched this Friday and after a weekend of mostly binge watching I decided it was time to talk about it. I really enjoyed this show and will be giving my opinion on the first two episodes below. SPOILER warning for those who haven't watch any of these episodes as I will be analysing each episode. A.K.A Ladies Night                                                                           [Courtesy of Marvel/Netflix] So in the first episode Jessica (Krysten Ritter) is a loner, she stays from peop...

Agents of Shield: Many Heads, One Tale Top Moments

                                                                             [Courtesy of Marvel/ABC] This episode was pretty much near perfect, when I watched it I was all wrapped up in it, but after a day of reflection there was one fundamental flaw in this episode, and it was just one aspect, the speed of one reveal.  Yes the speeds been a factor in episodes prior and I have loved these episodes, but I would have liked one specific moment to have been stretched ever so slightly. SPOILER WARNING, for those who have yet to watch this week’s new episode. 5. Fitz + Simmons Sitting in a Tree!                                                      ...

DC Television!

  [Courtesy of Warner Bros/DC Comics] So it's no secret that I am a huge fan of all things Marvel, but what about DC? When it comes to television, DC has some great shows. But my absolute favourite has got to be The Flash. Now I hear you all saying what about Arrow, or Gotham? But they are a bit too dark for my own taste. I enjoy my Superheroes with just a little cheese factor, as a constant serious tone will eventually put me off. So I just recently discovered the Flash and managed to binge watch the hell out of the first season. I actually cannot believe that Grant Gustin will not be playing the Flash on the big screen. I don't think I'd be interested in watching The Flash Movie as it will just be a rehashing of what we have right now, which I'm not interested in watching. So what is so good about this show? It's funny, lighthearted, yet it can be serious. There are great twists and turns for everyone and also some great easter eggs for those that know wha...

Once Upon A Time: Birth and The Bear King

                                                                              [Courtesy of ABC/Disney] So, this week we were treated to not one, but two episodes of Once Upon A Time. Both of these episodes were not linked in anyway though, which I was a bit disappointed in, but still we got to see two great episodes so what more can we ask for? I have taken my top five moments from the first episode, Birth and my top four moments from The Bear King.  SPOILER warning for those who aren’t caught up. Birth: This one was definitely my favourite of the two as it was nice to get some answers about Camelot, everything seemed to tie up quite nicely and it had me looking forward to more. I really liked the ending and it has sort of confirmed what I believed all along, she really isn't t...

Agents of Shield: Chaos Theory Top Five Moments!

                                                                             [Courtesy of Marvel/ABC] So this week's Agents of Shield episode was a pretty jammed packed affair, from the origins of Lash to the slight hope we may actually get to see a romance (it's far off in the distance). So here is my top five moments in order, and don't worry if I missed your best bits, honorable mentions shall be at the bottom. If you aren't caught up with the show then look away now as I will be mentioning  SPOILERS! 5. Hope                                                                              ...

This Week's Trailers! (Nov1-Nov 7)

                                                          [Courtesy of Lucasfilm/Disney] So for those of you who do not know, this is my weekly segment in which I cover all the trailers of this week, from movies and television, giving a quick synopsis of the footage. Along with my own personal opinion. So lets dive right in shall we? In the Heart of the Sea So this movie is about the real life event of 1820, when the whaling ship, Essex was attacked by a sperm whale. The crew of Captain George Pollard Jr (Benjamin Walker), Owen Chase (Chris Hemsworth), Matthew Joy (Cillian Murphy) and Thomas Nickerson (Tom Holland) are shipwrecked for ninety days, thousands of miles from there homes and forced to fend for themselves. This is the true story that inspired the classic book, Moby Dick and is directed by Ron Howard. I think this looks l...