The night is dark and full of SPOILERS, so if you haven't seen this episode then I suggest you go watch it now and come back to read my recap and opinions when your all caught up.
Last nights Game of Thrones was just a whole bunch of setup and revisiting storylines, that's not to say that I didn't enjoy it, but I was left with more questions than answers. Maybe it's because I was hoping for some Melisandre (Carice van Houten) backstory, or a certain resurrection, so my expectations where just way too high. Instead of jumping all over Westeros and Essos I will be recapping by concentrating on each individual location.
Castle Black
Jon Snow (Kit Harington) is really dead, but we knew that already, the opening shot is straight from the trailer, sweeping over the wall into Castle Black to show Jon lying in a pool of his own blood. Ghost is locked away and can be heard howling (I won't complain, the TV show is different than the books), Davos (Liam Cunningham) goes to check out the noise and finds Jon's corpse.
Dolorous Edd (Ben Crompton) and a group of brothers also come outside to investigate the noise, these brothers lift Jon's body as Davos looks at the pool of blood that is collected underneath Jon's body (I rewatched the clip several times and saw no evidence of a dragon) and the brothers take Jon into a room.
They place the corpse on a table and Edd closes Jon's eyes, Davos asks Edd which brothers he trusts, luckily they are all in the room with him, he also asks Edd if the direwolf knows him and Edd nods. Melisandre then knocks on the door, when she sees Jon's corpse she looks even more defeated, she mentions that she saw him in her flames fighting at Winterfell,
Alliser Thorne (Owen Teale) tells the rest of the members of the Night's Watch what happened, at first they call him a traitor, but then due to his reasons they seem to understand his side. The turn around was a bit quick for me and I would have preferred it if those brothers had maybe not been so easily swayed.
Ghost is now in the room with Jon, can I say I felt a bit heartbroken as I listened to Ghost whimper. Davos tells Edd that Thorne will be the new Lord Commander by now, Edd wants revenge but Davos tells him that they don't have enough men, and Jon wouldn't want his friends getting killed over nothing. The brothers in the room think no one will help them but Davos happens to know of some people who owe their lives to Jon Snow, it's not said but it's heavily implied that he is talking about the wildlings and Edd goes to meet with them.
Alliser Thorn and some members of the Night's Watch are standing outside the door, Thorn tries some diplomacy which is very much out of his character, he tells Davos that he has until night fall to surrender and if he does he will give him food and provisions for the journey south. Davos knows this is a trap but plays along pretty well, lets hope Edd gets to those wildlings before night fall.
Melisandre is in the bedroom quarters, she slowly moves towards the mirror and looks at her reflection. She starts to strip taking off her red woman clothes and stares at her body in the mirror, then she takes off her necklace to reveal that she is centuries older than what one might think. Is the necklace a glamour or does she just use her power to look young and beautiful? I think it's the necklace, but then again using her own power could explain why she isn't as power as Thoros of Myr (Paul Kaye).
Roose then moves onto the topic of Sansa (Sophie Turner) and Theon's (Alfie Allen) escape, he tells Ramsey that they need Sansa and an heir to secure the north and we also find out that the maester thinks that Roose's wife Walda (Elizabeth Webster) is carrying a boy.
Ramsey has sent his dogs are after Sansa and Theon, they try and loose them by crossing the river hoping this will get the dogs off of their scent. They huddle together in a nearby tree to regain some warmth and it looks as though Sansa and Theon may be breaking down some barriers. The dogs however are not fooled by the river and continue their pursuit.
Theon tells Sansa to run while he causes a distraction, she tells him that she needs him but he is insistent and runs out to meet the Bolton soldiers and Ramseys dogs. They capture Theon and drag Sansa out of the tree and just when we think they are done for Brienne (Gwendoline Christie) and Podrick (Daniel Portman) attack the Bolton soldiers.
They take out some Bolton soldiers and then Theon returns the favour by saving Podrick. Brienne again lays her sword down at Sansa's feet and says the same words that she once said to her mother, Sansa accepts Brienne into her service with a little help from Podrick who tells her some of the words she needs to say.
King's Landing
The Dornish boat carrying Myrcella (Nell Tiger Free) is heading for King's Landing, Cersei (Lena Headey) is sitting in her darkened chambers drinking some wine, and touching her newly shortened hair. One of her handmaidens appears at her door to tell her that this Dornish ship has sailed into the harbour, and Cersei is overjoyed thinking that Myrcella has come back to her.
Cersei is practically skipping all the way as she rushes to greet her daughter, she passes Ser Robert Strong (Hafthór JúlÃus Björnsson) and makes her way down the steps the greet her daughter. However her face drops when she realises that there is a body under that golden shroud and that it is Myrcella's.
Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) is in Cersei's chambers, and they begin talking about the first time they even saw a dead body, which happened to be their Mothers. At the time Cersei couldn't stop thinking about her mother's rotted corpse and that she has to now think about Myrcella in that way as she doesn't want her to suffer alone.
Jaime tells Cersei that she has to stop thinking like that and that Myrcella isn't suffering, she is at peace. They talk about how good Myrcella was and how Cersei had no idea where that goodness came from, and they she tells Jaime about the prophecy she received from Maggy the Frog (Jodhi May). She tells Jaime that he couldn't have stopped Myrcella's death as it is all fate, but he doesn't seem to believe her and tells her that they are going to take back what has been taken from them.
Septa Unella (Hannah Waddingham) is reading scripture to Margery's (Natalie Dormer) in her cell, Margery keeps asking about the wellbeing of her brother but the Septa keeps telling her to confess, before the Septa strikes Margery the High Sparrow (Jonathan Pryce) comes into the cell, he tells the Septa to leave and then he begins to talk to Margery.
Margery asks The High Sparrow about her brother but he has another matter to discuss with her, her husband, King Tommen (Dean-Charles Chapman). He tells her that Tommen misses his wife and that she has to confess to her sin in order to go back to him. She tells him that she has nothing to confess but The High Sparrow turns this around by asking her if she believes herself to be perfect and without sin to which she replies that no one is. He tells her that she has a long way to go but she has stumbled upon the right path.
Doran Martell (Alexander Siddig) appears to be out of his wheelchair and enjoying a leisurely stroll with Ellaria Sand (Indira Varma). They talk about the late adventures of Oberyn (Pedro Pascal) and seem to be getting along pretty well. That is until the Maester appears with news of Myrcella's passing, the sand snakes attack and kill his loyal bodyguard Areo Hotah (DeObia Oparei), the Maester and then drive a dagger through Prince Doran's chest as they rest of his guard watch on and want this to happen.
I don't know how to feel about this death, book me is gutted as Prince Doran was definitely more than meets the eye and was always steps ahead of anyone else when it came to the great game. Show me however isn't that bothered as they were taking big steps away from the book when it came to his character and it makes sense to only focus on the Sand Snakes.
Trystane Martell (Toby Sebastian) is on the boat docked at King's Landing, and is painting funeral eyes for Myrcella. The Sand Snakes appear in his chambers and tell him to choose which one of them is going to kill him. He choose to fight Nymeria Sand (Jessica Henwick) but Obara Sand (Keisha Castle-Hughes) comes from behind with her spear as he goes to fight Nymeria and puts it right through his skull.
Meeren and The Dothraki Sea
Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) and Varys (Conleth Hill) are walking around Meeren chatting about the city, the fact that Tyrion walks like a rich person, Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) and the Sons of the Harpy. Tyrion comes across a starving mother and her child, he offers her gold for food but his Valyrian is so bad that the mother thinks that he wants to eat her baby until Varys corrects his mistake.
Meeren seems to be deserted but there always seems to be someone watching from a hidden corner, a number of locals are fleeing towards Tyrion and Varys, naturally they go to check what has cause all of this commotion. It turns out that the Sons of the Harpy have burned all the ships in Meerens dock, meaning that no one is going anywhere anytime soon.
Jorah (Iain Glen) and Daario (Michiel Huisman) are looking for Dany, Daario asks Jorah why he keeps coming back, Jorah then talks about his love for Dany, and then we see that his greyscale is slowly getting worse. Jorah stumbles upon the ring which Daenerys dropped before she was captured by the Dothraki, he works out that the Dothraki have taken her by noticing that the tracks are from a Dothraki horde.
Daenerys hands are tied up and she is walking with other slaves which have been captured by the Dothraki, two warriors are talking about her in Dothraki not knowing who she is or that she can understand every word they are saying. She is taken in front of Khal Moro (Joe Naufahu) who wants to take her as another wife, she tells him who she is but he laughs saying she is no Queen.
Then she tells him that she was married to Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa), this grabs his attention and he begins to treat her with some respect as no one can touch the wife of a Khal. They talk about his death, she tells them she will give them a thousand horses if they take her back to Meeren but Khal Moro tells her that there is only one place for the widow of a Khal, Vaes Dothrak.
Blind Arya (Maisie Williams) is begging on some steps and listening to those around her talk about a whole manner of things, the dead Lannister guard being one of them. The Waif (Faye Marsay) appears in front of her and asks her if she has been listening, she hands Arya a stick and tells her to fight. Arya tells her that she can't fight but this doesn't stop the Waif from beating her up anyway. Arya tries to fight back but she keeps missing and her fighting skill seems to be very lacking. The Waif tells her that she will back at the same time tomorrow and leaves the stick with Arya.
My Thoughts
I would have liked to see some more from Bravos maybe a montage of Blind Girl Arya being beat up over and over until she starts to fine tune her other senses but I suppose a little bit of Arya is better than none at all. I really enjoyed everything that happened in Castle Black, yes I didn't get a resurrection but it still set the stage for the battle to come. I was so happy when Melisandre took off her Glamour and I was screaming, "I KNEW IT!" while I was watching it happen.
I like that Brienne finally got one of the Stark girls to take her into service and liked the little touch of tears being in her eyes as she rose from the snow. As much as I don't like Cersei as a character I really enjoy each performance given by Lena Headey and I really felt for Cersei as she realized that she had lost another child.
I'm mixed about Dorne as I said above, I enjoy watching the relationship between Tyrion and Varys, but Meeren does my head in and I want to go as far as possible away from that city. Daenerys being back to square one is interesting but being a book snob I would have liked the Dothraki horde to come across Dany as she was in the book but I suppose I can let it go.
I would have liked to have seen something from Bran as he has been gone for a whole season but I suppose I can live with it and wait another week to see the full extent of Bran's powers on the big yet little screen.
So what did you think about last nights/Sundays episode? Feel free to tell me in the comments below.
If you like this post then please feel free to click on the links below to read more of my incessant ramblings.
Game of Thrones Season 6 Trailer -
What's Happening with Jon -
All Pictures Courtesy of HBO
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