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San Diego Comic Con - Day 2

We had an action packed day yesterday, Game of Thrones panel, Walking Dead panel, Agents of Shield and plenty more. I am going to go through the top things we learned yesterday, some highlights, some Hodor, and some great trailers.

The Walking Dead

We may be no closer to finding out which cast member bore the brunt of Lucille, but we did learn a few things from this panel. The gang will come across some new survivors, now some of these people are friendly, others are not so friendly, but we will see leaders with different styles than what we might be used to.

Rick is in a particularly bad place, so much so that Andrew Lincoln's own Mother has been giving him acting tips on how to get back to the emotional state he was in during the last season. It's good to know that however serious the scene that these actors all have a good time pranking each other on set, the pranks seem to involve a lot of glitter, and the odd chicken.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan seems to be enjoying his villainous role as Negan, so much so that he appeared on stage with his good friend Lucille, and walked with her behind all the actors asking if they had peed their pants yet. Danai Gurira seems to think shades of the Rick and Michonne romance started around season three, I'm tempted to agree with her, as that's when she started to let her walls down around his son Carl (Chandler Riggs).

The trailer begins with flashbacks for all the eleven possible victims: Rick, Daryl (Norman Reedus), Glenn (Steven Yeun), Maggie (Lauren Cohen), Michonne, Carl, Abraham (Michael Cudlitz), Sasha (Christian Serratos), Aaron (Ross Marquand), and Eugene (Josh McDermitt). All the characters also have Lucille put in their face as Negan picks who is it. I thought the entire trailer was going to show flashbacks, so I was extremely surprised when I saw actual footage.

After the montage we see a clip of Morgan (Lennie James) who is following the two members of the Kingdom who helped both him and Carol (Melissa McBride) in the season finale, Morgan's voice over says, "I won't let you die out there." We then see a clip of someone with the letter S on the back of his jumper taking a bucket off of the head of a chained up zombie, Dwight (Austin Amelio) from last season is watching and eating, and in another scene he pulls a gun on someone and says, "Everything is his, or will be." - Probably talking about Negan.

We then see a low resolution shot of Negan carrying out the execution of one of the eleven, I can't really make out who he is swinging at but whoever it is was sitting next to a person with long hair, the we see Lucille drenched in blood as Negan's voice over states that, "There are rules, you earn what you take." Then we see a shot of Carol looking distraught, as the saviours all bend the knee as Negan walks past.

A character we haven't seen before says, "Whatever he's done to you, there's always war."  We then see a clip of Morgan on a bed, Negan swings Lucille at one of the eleven victims again, and Spencer (Austin Nichols) is concerned that the group should have made a deal with them before now; we then see a clip of a zombie in the fog. Negan may be in Alexandria in the next scene as he is having lemonade with a terrified looking Olivia (Ann Mahoney) sitting next to his voiceover says, "You should know there is no door number four, this is the only way."

A zombie (which looks pretty putrefied) is lying on the ground, Dwight is on Daryl's bike as he looks up to the shadow of a tower which is looming over him, we then see a man in a blue car trying to take out a truck and two motorcycles (could possibly be the shadow). A zombie tries to get into a car, more members of the Kingdom show up, another zombie gets thrown off a bridge, Morgan uses his stick on some zombies, and Dwight shoots at someone.

Some pigs are eating a corpse, another Kingdom member takes out a zombie, more zombies appear but are quickly taken down by Jesus (Tom Payne), and ever more of the walkers are taken out by car, by stick, and by Lucille herself. Jesus sneaks into a trailer filled with boxes, a horn, and some fruit. Carol looks like she is in a movie theatre as she says, "I don't know what's going on in the most wonderful way," 

We see inside the Saviours run Foundry, more zombies (those trousers look Michonne like), Negan banging Lucille against a fence, King Ezekiel (Khary Payton) makes his entrance, and we get our first shot of what looks like The Kingdom which looks very green. We see another shot of more Kingdom members, more zombies, more cars, a shot of Enid (Katelyn Nacon) looking surprised, a zombie going in for the kill, and King Ezekiel killing something with a sword.

A truck takes out a car, a Kingdom member gets out a car alongside his King, the ruler of the Hilltop community Gregory looks out a window, a motorcyclist falls from the bike, the Kingdom member who got out the car is standing next to King Ezekiel as they look into a fire. More Saviours march towards some gates, Jesus kicks a zombie in the face, the King appears on his throne next to his roaring tiger Shiva, and Negan laughs menacingly.

Tara (Alanna Masterson) is back although for some reason she is in a ditch hiding from a suspicious person with a gun, Zombies are stuck in some sand as Heath (Corey Hawkins) tries to get away from them, Tara seems to be going to help him as she runs on top of some cars, there is a clip of her running through trees, and a woman fires a sniper rifle. Tara peaks around the corner of a camouflaged cabin, both her and Heath open a tent, someone fires a gun, more Walkers appear, and Tara goes to use her gun on someone but thinks against it knocking them out cold instead.

As you can see the trailer was very detailed, I still have no idea who will meet their maker at the start of the season, I can only just hope it will be a main character because side characters die constantly in this series and it would be refreshing to have a huge death right at the start of an episode. Check out the trailer for yourself below.

Agents of Shield

Vengeance is coming to ABC this fall as Gabriel Luna has been cast in the series as Robbie Reyes the Ghost Rider. I stopped watching this series during the mid-season break, I understand it has gotten better but when it's compared to other Marvel TV properties (Daredevil etc) it just doesn't seem to hold up for me anymore. To see that the show is taking this big a chance however may actually encourage me to go back and watch the rest of season three.

It's no secret that Ghost Rider hasn't been done well on the big scene, so I'm interested to see how they will handle this character on the show. We won't be getting the Nicolas Cage versions however, instead we will go with the current Ghost Rider from the comics Robbie Reyes, a teenager who, when is not at school or working on cars, looks after his disabled brother Gabe. Reyes car was also revealed on the con floor, and it looks as though it is taken right out the comic book (minus the fire of course).

I'm interesting in where this story will go, so cross your fingers with me, and hope I didn't just binge the rest of season three for nothing.


I don't know about you but when I heard the concept of iZombie I was totally against it, I'm one for following George A. Romero's style of zombie lore, but this series totally took me by surprise and I instantly fell in love with it. The show isn't filming for a few more days, so we didn't get any new trailers, but we did get some scoop into what is going to happen in season three.

This season Liv (Olivia Moore) will actually eat the brain of a dominatrix, she even has a safe word and everything. Liv and Major (Robert Buckley) may not be reconnecting this season; Liv may have another love interest as the show's producers don't quite think they are both ready for the relationship to go any further. Ravi (Rahul Chakrabarti) and Peyton (Aly Michalka) may be caught in a love triangle of sorts this season.

Robert Knepper, who played Blaines dad could also be returning this season, I wonder if he be chilly when he gets unfrozen. Liv will have some new recipes this season, that girl always makes her brains look so appetising. Vivian Stoll (Andrea Savage) who ran the Fillmore Graves at the end of last season will become somewhat of a mentor to Liv, although the group won't be very happy at her for not trying to blend in like everyone else.

Blaine (David Anders) who had lost all of his memories last season will try and put some of them back together during this season. Clive (Malcolm Goodwin) is very much alive for now after he refused to be turned at the end of last season, and we will get to meet the woman from the CDC who fired Ravi from his job.

I'm pretty excited about next season, and I really enjoyed that the panel wasn't shy about giving tiny spoilers about the season to come. iZombie season three will premiere next year.

Game of Thrones

The Game of Thrones panel was pretty fun, it was moderated by it's always sunnys Robert McElhenney, who showed a video of himself cut into some scenes from the show, and the video also had a cameo from Charlie Day. We got a reminder that the next season is only seven episodes long, and that it won't premier until sometime in the summer. The show's produces Benioff and Weiss also say that the show is diverting from the books, although some of the shows scenes will be the same (Hold the Door came from George), it generally won't have spoiled The Winds of Winter for book readers.

The director of "The Battle of the Bastards," spoke about the historical battles which they drew inspiration from for the episode, apparently they wanted horses to circle Jon Snow's army but they weren't cooperating very well, and they got the idea for the bodies from the Battle of Cannae. Liam Cunningham who plays Davos mentioned that he gave the stag which was made for Shireen to his daughter.

John Bradley tells us how he's like his character Sam to die, he wants to climb a book stack, fall, and die at the hands of a bunch of falling books. I'm sure Sam would love to go out that way. Faye Marsay was asked about the Arya is Waif theory but doesn't believe it herself, Sophie Turner jokes about the reason that she didn't let Jon know about the Knights of the Vale, and Isaac Hempstead Wright talked about the Tower of Joy scene saying that he presumes that Bran would tell Jon.

Iwan Rheon tells Sophie Turner that it was an honor for his character Ramsay to be killed by her, Faye Marsay was asked about the choreography and tells a story about how one day after a long day of filming she was so exhausted that she went back to her hotel and fell asleep on a piece of salmon. A fan asked Kristian Nairn who plays Hodor if he could say anything to Bran what would it be, Kristian replied with no.

The Game of Thrones panel ended with a production video and a blooper reel. I wasn't expecting to see anything this quickly after the sixth season has ended (especially as it has been put back) but it was nice to see the banners, seeing how certain pieces in the show were made, and how the sets were put up. It was also pretty nice to see the cast cracking up on set; it must take a lot out of them being so serious most of the time. You can watch the both of these videos below.

Overall Thoughts

I understand I can't do everything which was shown at the con yesterday, but if there is anything I missed out on that you would like me to cover then please feel free to comment below. Also if there are any topics that you would like me to discuss then also comment and I will do my best to write something for you.

If you liked this post then please feel free to read some of my posts which I will link below.

SDCC Day 1 -

Mr Robot Recap -

Images courtesy of AMC, ABC, The CW and HBO


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