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San Diego Comic Con - Day 1

I awoken today with a ton of notifications all surrounding the first day of San Diego Comic Con (I know Wednesday is technically Day 1 but Thursday is the first proper day) that I thought I'd do a daily recap on the con, instead of one giant con related post. I'd like to also note that I am not at comic con and am solely going on hearsay surrounding the panels as they are not available to stream this year. So strap in and let's talk about some of the highlights from yesterday.

Luke Cage

The Luke Cage panel sounds as if it was very exciting, a surprise visit for the Punisher himself, and a ton of shiny new trailers. The entire cast was announced: Mike Colter of course is playing Luke Cage, Mahershala Ali is playing Cottonmouth who is described as a Godfather like villain, Alfre Woodard is playing local politician Mariah Dillard, Simone Missick is playing police detective Misty Knight, Theo Rossi plays Shades Alvarez, Frank Whaley plays Misty's partner Rafael Scarfe and Sonia Braga plays Claire Temple's mother Soledad.

I have been looking forward to all these Netflix series for some time, especially Luke Cage, because who doesn't want to see a indestructible man? But also because it will be the first of the series to take place outside Hell's Kitchen, we will get to see Superheroes running around Harlem (which is hardly ever represented in media) and see how it is represented in the Marvel world.

The trailer shows Frankie Faison's character (yet to be announced) speaking to Luke Cage, he tells him that he should be out on the streets helping people like all those other superheroes, Luke mentions that his wife Reva (who died at the hands of Jessica Jones) used to say the same thing, and Frankie's character tells him that she was right.

Shimmy Shimmy Ya starts playing (I start the head banging); Luke Cage pulls his hood up, and goes straight to work taking a car door with him. He takes out an entire gang with such poise and ease, picking up some of them like they were little children, he even uses the car door on a guy, and has a ton of bullets used on him to no avail because he's bullet proof.

Then he has an exchange with Cornell "Cottonmouth" stokes who is laughing at Luke because he has took down a few door in the projects is enough to make him Harlem's hero, but he replies that he is just getting started. The trailer is available below and Luke Cage will premiere on Netflix on the 30th of September.

Mr Robot

Season two of Mr Robot graced our screens last week, so it was weird that there was actually a panel at SDCC because usually the shows promote upcoming seasons or talk about the season that just passed (I'm looking at you Game of Thrones). This held it back a little bit because the show is so secretive about the upcoming season, so they instead decided to focus on a Q&A format instead, and show a little clip of the next episode so the fans didn't go away with nothing.

They also spoke about some of the easter eggs in season one which I really enjoy, some of the great set pieces from the season, and they made sure not to spoil the previous episode for fans who hadn't managed to see it yet due to Comic Con commitments which I thought was pretty awesome of them. Rami Malek confirmed that Elliot is still haunted by Shayla's death, and Christian Slater also confirmed that he plays Pokemon Go.

Watch Mr Robot Season 2 every Wednesday on USA, Thursday Amazon Prime for those (including me) in the UK.

The Defenders

Netflix revealed its first teaser trailer for the series which will premier next year. It will be the first time all four netflix based superheroes will be on screen together, and will also probably include the one and only Punisher. The trailer, which looks like a ransom note, has a ton of easter eggs inside it. I will try and break everything down below.

Come as you are plays, the first thing we see a sign for Nelson Murdock, a cross with the words, "Sin will find you out," a sign with fees on it, and what looks like an advertisement for Saturdays at Atlantis Street. It then pans down the note to The Devil of Hell's Kitchen, plus a few more things I can't quite make out, and it reveals the name Daredevil.

The page then pans over to Alias Investigations, which we all know is run by Jessica Jones, reveals a purple lens, and the Jessica Jones logo can be seen to the side of what looks like an open cylinder with boxes spilling out (could be a subway or a camera lens). It then pans over to Property of Seagate Prison, the Luke Cage logo can be seen above it, and then we see a photo of bullet holes.

The camera then pans over to an F, some more stuff which I can't quite make out, a Rand Enterprises logo, a message saying, "Who is Danny Rand," and the Iron Fist symbol. The paper then rips off to reveal the word Defend, which is taken from each superheroes individual logo, the word itself is on a big hand, which is then revealed to be blocking out some of New York City. Stick (Scott Glenn) then says, "You think the four of you can save New York? You can't even save yourselves."

I think the hand over New York at the end of the trailer means that a certain villain will be returning which means that Daredevil (Charlie Cox) will have to enlist the help of these local heroes in order to save the entire city. I won't spoil it to much but just think about it, what else could this hand mean? Defenders will be with us at some point in 2017, I hope we won't have to wait too long. You can view the trailer for yourself below.


I thought there was nothing funnier than Archer, but apparently watching the cast of Archer get drunk and do a live reading of an episode is way funnier. The cast did a live reading at sunset, on a boat, with an open bar, which makes me so freaking jealous for not getting to be a part of it. I'm sure I'll be at all the cons in ten years, maybe more like twenty.

Not only did all the cast participate but they were also joined by Christian Slater who plays Slater, and is one of my favourite recurring characters from the series, now not only am I green with envy but I feel the need to smash... has a jealous rage turned me into the Hulk? Probably not but you never know.

The reading was followed by a live Q&A where fans got to ask the cast and Showrunner Adam Reed some questions about the series. We find out that little Baby Seamus is a fan favourite, with the majority of them voting to bring him back, and that next season will include the death of Archer's ever patient butler Woodhouse, as the actor who voiced him, George Coe died over a year ago and Adam just couldn't bring himself to kill him off in the last season.

Season Eight of Archer will be with us next year.

Iron Fist

Netflix's Iron Fist will be gracing our screens next year, the trailer was dropped at yesterday's Luke Cage panel, and for us non comic readers it was our first introduction to the infamous Danny Rand. The trailer begins with a young Danny as he looks at his Mother while the plane they are on is crashing, we hear a click as an iPod Nano appears in the snow, and we hear it again as young Danny appears in his plane seat.

The click is heard again as two Monks look over him, we then see modern day New York City, Danny Rand is walking the streets without any shoes on, and he looks up towards the buildings. We then see him strapped into a hospital bed (maybe he received some treatment after returning), he crashing a wall open with his powers, and we see our first close up as a voice says, "Hello Danny."

This teaser looks pretty interesting, it kinda feels a bit like Arrow to me, the character is a billionaire, goes missing on a mysterious place, and has to come back after learning a set of skills. I am really interested in all the magical elements, and hope to see more in the months to come. Iron Fist will premiere on Netflix at some point in 2017, and you can view the trailer below.

Daredevil Season 3 was also announced, the video is available below this post. 

What Have I Missed?

I know I have missed a ton of stuff so if you'd like me to do a post on a specific San Diego Comic Con moment then please feel free to comment below. Also if you would like to get me to review a certain subject then also please comment below and let me know.

If you like this post then please check out my other posts below.

Mr Robot Recap -

Who Will Bring Down Cersei on Game of Thrones -

Pictures Courtesy of Marvel, Netflix, USA and FX.


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