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Game of Thrones - Why Daenerys Will Win...

According to Tyrion Lannister playing the Great Game can be terrifying, one wrong move and our favourite characters heads could end up on a pike, but get it right and you can soon be sitting on the greatest (and most uncomfortable) throne of them all.

SPOILERS for everything we have seen in the show so far ending at the season finale, so if you haven't seen it then come back when you are all caught up.

Until Someone Younger, more Beautiful...

At the end of the season we got a new ruler, Queen Cersei Lannister (the first of her name) has taken power for herself just after her son, Tommen, jumped out a window after the death of his wife. Cersei is set to rule, but she will not rule for very long, not only because of an upcoming Northern Rebellion, but also because Daenerys is setting sail across the narrow sea, and hopefully landing on Westerosi soil at the start of the next season.

We saw Cersei receive a prophecy at the start of season five, which could indicate the outcome of this upcoming conflict, the prophecy was right as far as her children were concerned, they all died while she lived on to watch, and drown in her own tears. But I would instead like to focus on the Queen replacement part of this prophecy, and why I think that this younger, prettier replacement will be Daenerys.

Now many people think that this prophecy already sort of came true when Margaery Tyrell showed up in King's Landing and married both of her sons. It is true Cersei's children where the one thing she loved more than anything, it was the one bit of good inside of her that we could all latch onto, but let's take a look at the prophecy again shall we?

Cersei asks if she will be Queen, Maggy responds, 

"Oh yes, you'll be Queen, for a time, then comes another, younger, more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear." 

Not only does Cersei love her children, she loves power, and there have been many instances where she would do anything to hold onto that power. Margaery might have threatened to take away Tommen, but she failed to take away everything Cersei's holds dear, even this season when Cersei was backed into a corner, and stripped of her power and influence, what did she do to get it back? That's right burn pretty much everyone. 

She missed her son, but she had Tommen's love as he just wanted to help her, and her brother’s undying love to hold onto. Cersei wasn't completely cast down by Margaery, she played the game well, but she didn't affect Cersei enough in the long run as now she has more power than ever. This part of the prophecy has yet to be fulfilled and will not do so until Cersei is completely cast aside by this mystery Queen. 

As I said before Cersei loves her brother Jaime, she also had a love/hate relationship with Tyrion, and where is Tyrion now? That's right; he's standing right next to Daenerys as she sails to invade Westeros. I think Jaime will fulfil another part of the prophecy (I'm looking at you book readers), but I also believe that he will withdraw his support for his sister, and give it to the Mother of Dragons. Not only will Dany take Cersei's precious power but she will also take her only remaining family, cutting Cersei off completely, and unleashing the Mad Queen.

Cersei may have been chopped down a few pegs, but she certainly hasn't hit bottom, I believe Daenerys will be the winner in this scenario, she will fulfil the prophecy, take back the Throne that is rightfully hers (or Gendry's depending on the family you pledge your banners too). She might not hold onto it for very long as a certain person may make a claim, but Westeros will be lead by Queen Daenerys Targaryen in the near future. 

This will not be an easy victory, Cersei will probably go all Mad King and burn King's Landing to the ground before she would ever kneel before someone else, which is interesting as Daenerys may see firsthand what a Mad Ruler will look like (and hopefully pardon Jaime for having no choice but to kill her Father). Queen Dany of Westeros is in our sights, let's hope the next season isn't wasted on the ship ride over, and oh please let her land quickly!

So do you think Daenerys will fulfil the prophecy, or do you think it was fulfilled by Margaery? Could Sansa or Arya be the ones to strike Cersei down by taking the crown and everything she holds dear? Comment below to let me know, and tell me any predictions you have for the seventh season. Only nine months left, I already feel lost without it.

Like this post? Then feel free to click on some of my suggested posts below. I got 6/9 right on my predictions for the season finale, so I am on a bit of a theory high, I should have more Season Seven Predictions posted during the week, and I will have my usual recap ready by the end of the week. 

Valar Morghulis.

GoT: Battle of the Bastards Recap + Finale Predictions -


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