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Daredevil Trailer Part 2!

Daredevil Part Two Trailer Dropped around an hour ago (yes this took me three hours) and I just cannot wait for the 18th of March. Part One was most Daredevil vs Punisher, Part Two delves more into the Hand as well as Matt's relationship with Elektra. I enjoyed the first part of this trailer more but I am still excited for it's release.

In this trailer Elektra (Elodie Yung) is on Matt Murdocks (Charlie Cox) couch, and asks him if he would believe it if she said that she missed him, to which he responds with a no. Elektra asks for Matt's help, he is the only person she can trust. Matt replies that if she wanted to talk about trust she shouldn't have broken into his house.

Turns out she needs someone to help her fight, and Matt fights better than anyone she knows. We then see Daredevil taking out a hallway of mercenaries, Elektra then runs her finger around her glass, we hear than she has some information, but Matt does not believe her. We see clips of men tying what looks like string around their fingers and also a clip of them walking with briefcases.

We then see clips of a police officer trying to usher people out of a bar and a close up of Matt, as Elektra tells him this group (which for the life of me I couldn't catch the name too, I spent thirty minutes trying and looking up the correct spelling until I gave in) have just hibernated and watched as Daredevil took out all of their enemies.

A group of bikers appears both on motorbikes and another appear outside their club, which is called the Dogs of Hell. Elektra's voice over tells us that now New York is ripe for the taking. Matt tells her that if they do this nobody dies, she looks as though she understands (but secretly wants to kill some people) and then we see a clip of what looks like a door being shot at by what looks like the first biker group, as Daredevil and Elektra take them all out, Elektra then asks if he is hungry.

We see a boat filled with smoke and body bags on the dock, we then hear Foggy's (Elden Henson) voice telling Matt that every time he walks up those stairs he wonders if that's going to be the day that he's dead in his living room. We see some clips of Matt looking worse for wear and his suit in a crumpled heap on the floor.

Matt takes the suit from Foggy, and Karen Page (Deborah Ann Woll) seems to be on the same dock as earlier with two police cars and a shocked look on her face. Next we see the Punisher (Jon Bernthal) who looks like he's on the deck of a ship, connection? Matt tells Foggy that there are terrible things happening in the city and he is done apologising to him for who he is.

We then see a clip of a helicopter flying next to a building which has a bunch of ambulances and police cars outside. Matt's voiceover says that this city needs him, we then see Claire Temple (Rosario Dawson) and Matt in the hospital as she tells him that this isn't his city anymore. We then see some more of Daredevil vs Punisher, as they run at each other, fight and then both of them fall through a window.

We hear people screaming and a clip of citizens who looks as if they are on a subway and have had their hands bound together. We then see a clip of a masked gunman, and another of Matt holding his mask and looking pretty bummed out on the couch. We hear Matt's voice saying that his way isn't working, what if it never has. We then see the clip of the Motorbike club from before, just shot from a different angle.

Elektra and Daredevil then face off against a huge number of opponents, as she says that the battle has begun Matthew, there is nothing we can do but fight. As we see a clip of them both together in and out of costume. Then we see a clip of fighting some guy in a suit, at first I thought this was Matt Murdock v Daredevil which would be a cool dream sequence of some kind but it turns out after several viewings that my eyes where just simply playing tricks on me.

We then hear Sticks (Scott Glenn) voice as he tells us about the hand, we see clips of them scaling buildings and we then see a clip of this seasons big bad, well we see his weapon which is a dagger on the end of a chain. I have no idea who this is, I was going to look it up but decided I wanted it to be a surprise. This big bad (who also seems to have a metal hand) states that he cannot stop what they have started, the rising is coming.

We see more clips, Daredevil and Elektra inspect a pit, Daredevil shouting, Daredevil fighting the big bad, more crashing through windows, more fighting, more Punisher and his gun. An explosion of fire, cops hiding behind there cars, Karen Page and some police cars, Matt and Elektra having some fun times both in and out of the bedroom. Punisher and Daredevil on a ship fighting, and Daredevil trying to save what looks to me like Claire Temple as she falls from the roof.

The last clips are of Elektra and Matt in a diner, she tells him that he has been working out, then we see clips of Daredevil fighting, it then cuts back to Elektra in the cafe and she tells him that she appreciates that.

Overall I thought this trailer didn't get me as excited as the first one, maybe because I knew it was coming or maybe it's because I really enjoy the Punisher and there wasn't as much of him in this trailer. I am still really excited for the show and watching these trailers has made me want to binge season one all over again.

What do you think? Are you more excited for Daredevil season two or are you not bothered by it? Comment below, and if you enjoyed this post then please feel free to check out my other posts below.

Game of Thrones Season 6 Trailer and Predictions -

Captain America Civil War Trailer Review -

Images courtesy of Netflix/Marvel/Disney


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