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What could the Future of Fantastic Beasts look like?

                      Picture courtesy of Warner Bros

Some of you may already know it; but my obsession with Harry Potter is always at an all time high. I always start the first book by Christmas(1), read on until July, stop for a break before finishing them in September. 

I've also re-watched Fantastic Beasts, which has made me wonder what could actually be in store for the Potterverse in the next few year's to come(2).

A Secret Magical War inside World War II?

Grindelwald(3) will almost definitely have a hand in fighting beside the Nazi's, using Hitler as his own puppet, and fighting against Dumbledore(4), and the rest of the magical allied force. 

Newt Scamander(5) will also be fighting with the allies(6), and using a whole bunch of Magical Creatures to fight back the army that Grindelwald will have gathered over the five films. I might just want it so much that I've already written it in my own head.

(1) This year I will be reading my Ravenclaw (represent) House Editions, but i'm starting with the Kindle in Motion.
(2) If they ever stop making them.
(3) The Colin Farrell character who turned into Johnny Depp at the end of the Film (who's actual character Percival Graves is still alive, so I guess, spoilers?).
(4) Can I just say Jude Law as Young Dumbeldore is probably my favourite piece of casting in this new franchise.
(5) Played by Eddie Redmayne; who I'm slowly beginning to come round too.
(6) I'm also hoping for a young McGonagall during this time gathering Intel.

Grindelwald and Dumbledore's Relationship?

JK has basically confirmed there was a relationship on Pottermore but I actually want to see it happen through Flashbacks. I want to see the incident where Ariana(7) dies, and how it changed Dumbledore's whole twisted philosophy.

Grindelwald almost turned Dumbledore into a villain(8), but I want to see the softer side of him at parts of their relationship, and how they where both forever changed by it.

Dumbledore V Grindelwald with the Elder Wand?

If you remember Harry Potter taking the elder wand from Voldermort at the end of the books/films then you probably don't need much of this explanation, but for those of you that might not remember the term then it is the most powerful wand ever created(9).

Grindelwald stole it when he was younger from Gregorovitch(10), I don't quite know what age he was but it was definitely in his possession during Fantastic Beasts. The fight they have is the most famous duel in the history of the magical world, it really sounds like it makes the Battle of Hogwarts look like Child's play, and at least we know it ends up ok(11).

(7) Dumbledore's little sister who died during a tense fight between her two brothers and Grindelwald (he used the Crusiatus curse on Aberforth).
(8) Think Sauron almost turning Gandalf before he got the chance to become the greatest Wizard ever known.
(9) But it has a pretty nasty history when its in the wrong hands.
(10) The very famous European wand maker who tried to get more business by spreading rumours that he had the wand.

(11) It better not be one of those incidents that are different or I'll cry.

More Magical Creatures?

They may have gotten a bad wrap in the first film by some people; and the ones who didn't think there was enough time with creatures are right. I read the school books when they came out for Red Nose Day, and I think we deserve to see more of them(12).

They all have different magical properties, it would open up the wizarding world(13), and ask the big questions about how these creatures are treated among society(14). It can also let us experience the magic in other places throughout the world(15), and experience other cultures.

(12) It's really all of them to be honest but ill settle for more.
(13) In both a fresh and interesting way.
(14) Why aren't creatures who could use a wand to channel their power not allowed to do so? SPEW for life!

(15) Although I love the fact that Hogwarts is in my own country of Scotland, just c'mon guy's, stop focusing on one region.

What are you most excited to see this franchise take you?

Please comment below on any other places you'd love to see Fantastic Beast take you, or with any of the other Potter topics you'd like me to cover, and thank you for indulging me with your time.


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