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Amazon Pilots

It's that time of year again, you know when Amazon pits pilots against each other and only one can reign supreme (well except last year when the three shows got greenlight). This year the pilots were all very different from one another so we can only hope that all will be made as I really enjoyed them all in completely different ways.


This show is based on the 2014 novel, The Book of Strange New Things, and is set in a poverty ridden London in the year 2032. It follows chaplain Peter Leigh (Richard Madden) who is unexpectedly sent for by David Morgan (Jonjo O'Neill) to go on a mission to the Oasis on the edge of our solar system which is currently under construction. This savior for the 1% is not quite what it seems and a series of unexplainable accidents keep happening.

The performances in this show are really good, at no point was I taken out of this show, the story is very interesting (even if it is a bit God focused for my own taste), and it ends on a really good cliffhanger which I really want to find out more about.

Budding Prospects

Set in San Francisco in 1983, this budding stoner comedy follows three down and outs who are fed up with their lives in the city. Felix (Adam Rose), Phil (Joel David Moore), and Gesh (Will Sasso) are approached by a very successful drug dealer named Vogelsein (Brett Gelman) who would like them to go out into the countryside and grow some Marijuana.

This one was a little bit slow for me, it may be because I read the synopsis before I watched it and it took the entire episode for them to realize that they wanted more for themselves. It is however very funny, the chemistry between the actor is very believable, and I look forward to seeing where it goes.

The New V.I.P.'s

This dark animated comedy is about some upset workers who work for an extremely greedy corporation, seriously the type of corporation which severely underpays but does nothing about it. The team gets into some severe, yet accidental hijinks, which could end up turning their lives around for the better.

With voice acting by Matt Braunger, Ben Schwartz, Jonathan Adams, and Missi Pye this comedy won't be for everyone but me and my sick sense of humour truly did enjoy it.

The Legend of Master Legend

One would think this show is about a Real Life Superhero, in some ways it is, but at its heart it is a story about Family, and a man trying to do right by his daughter. Master Legend (John Hawkes) is an aging man who just can't let go of his vigilante ways, even if it means losing his family, his home, and at times his dignity.
I really enjoyed this pilot, and I feel bad because it isn't getting the recognition that I think it deserves. The characters are all interesting, the story is good and well paced, and it ended on a very interesting note.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

This show is set in the 1950's follows Midge Maisel (Rachel Brosnahan), a Jewish housewife, who has to completely overhaul her life after a change in her circumstances. This is literally all I can say about this show without spoiling it so you'll just have to go with my vague outline.

This was my favourite out of all the pilots, it was so good I had to watch it twice, which is my highest form of flattery as it hardly ever happens. It is very funny, 1950's New York looks amazing, and I truly hope Amazon greenlight this as soon as possible.

Have you seen these new shows? What are your thoughts, and which one is your favourite? Comment below. 

Images courtesy of Amazon Prime Video


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