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Game of Thrones - Oathbreaker

This week's Game of Thrones took a lot out of me, what can I say the Tower of Joy flashback was such a tease, but I suppose the third episode of the season wasn't going to confirm any of those specific theories that all the book readers (including myself) have came up with every since they read a specific fever dream scene.

If you haven't had a chance to watch this episode then please go watch it and come back when you're done to read my recap, review and possible theories for the show moving forward. SPOILERS ARE COMING.

The Love Boat to Oldtown

Sam (John Bradley) and Gilly (Hannah Murray) are making their way to Oldtown by boat, Sam is having a pretty hard time with Seasickness and Gilly is trying to take his mind off it by talking about what they might see in Oldtown when they all get their. Sam decides that now would be the best time to tell Gilly that she won't be making it to Oldtown.

The Maesters at the Citadel don't allow women, so Sam can't take Gilly with him, instead he has decided to take her to his old home, Horn Hill. Gilly and Baby Sam should be safe there as Horn Hill is located south of Highgarden and a long way away from the Army of the Dead.

I didn't mind this scene as much as everyone else seemed too, it was nice to check in with these characters as it reminded the audience of what Sam was doing. I'm looking forward to seeing Sam's home as well as actually seeing Oldtown on our screens for the first time ever. I want to know how Maester's train, and hopefully have a training montage of Sam as he adds to his chain.

Tower of Joy

Bran (Issac Hempstead-Wright) and the Three Eyed Raven (Max Von Sydow), who I was calling Bloodraven last week (sorry guys), are watching a Young Eddard Stark (Robert Aramayo), Young Howland Reed (Leo Woodruff) and the rest of Ned's bannerman who have made it all the way to the Tower of Joy. 

Only two however stand in their way, Gerold Hightower (Eddie Eyre) and the best fighter in Westeros, Arthur Dayne (Luke Roberts). Ned tells them that the Rhaegar Targaryen and the Mad King are dead and asks them why they weren't at the Battle of the Trident, to which Arthur states that his Prince wanted them here. 

Ned then asks about his sister Lyanna, and both Kingsguard put on their helms, if Ned wants Lyanna he is going to have to go through both of them. Ned kills Gerold Hightower and Arthur Dayne is now left with four against one. All four attack him at once, which is great to see as this is how it would happen in real life, and Arthur is such a great swordsman, he is dodging attacks, landing his own and soon it becomes Ned Stark v Arthur Dayne.

Bran points out that Arthur Dayne is better than his father, and it's pretty much apparent to everyone at this point, the guy is way better than ten Ned's combined. Just as Arthur Dayne disarms Ned Stark that sneaky Howland Reed (who I'd forgotten about due to that great swordplay we just witnessed) stabs Arthur Dayne in the back. Ned looks on in disbelief and then abandons his honor as he picks up Dayne's sword and lands the killing blow.

Bran stands in disbelief, that happened differently than the story he had heard a thousand times. The Three Eyed Raven warns him that it is now time to go, Bran has a thousand questions which mirror those of the audience, he wants to see what is in that Tower and I for one was spurring him on. Bran then calls out to his father, Ned stops and turns around with a disbelieved look on his face. 

The Three Eyed Raven tells Bran that he would not have heard him, instead that Ned might have just heard the whisper of the wind, but just as Bran protests and walks towards the Tower, The Three Eyed Raven brings him back to reality. Bran will have to know everything before he gets to find out what's in the tower. 

I wanted to see what was in that tower as much as anyone, but I get that they have to inform the viewer of a place which I don't think was ever mentioned on the show. I wouldn't even be surprised if we don't get to find out what is in that Tower this season. 

I'd also like to address the sword issue, yes Arthur Dayne's sword Dawn was not used in the scene, yes I was a bit bummed out by this, but after much thought, it really doesn't matter. Would it be nice to see the Westeros version of a Lightsaber? Of course it would have, but the sword fighting is so good that it really doesn't matter.  

Vaes Dothrak

Our poor Khalessi, or should that be Mother of Dragons? Oh or Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men? You know what, I'm sticking with Dany, because I don't have to spell check it every time I want to type her name. Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) has done a whole 180 degree turn this season, landing back where she was in season one. 

She has been insulted, made to walk, stripped of her finery, stripped of her titles and been forced into early retirement by some Dothraki custom that we all should have figured would have come back to haunt her someday. We meet the Crones and find out that Dany will be punished further for not taking her place amongst the widows when Khal Drogo died.

This part was pretty slow this week so I will just move on to my predictions for Dany in the episodes to come. I think that Dany will actually unite the entire Dothraki behind her by killing all the Khals on a mounted Drogon. It was prophesied way back in the first season that Dany will give birth to the Stallion Who Mounts the World, the Khal who unites all the dothraki under a single Khalasar and rides to the ends of the earth. 

When Dany came out of that funeral pyre she was not only reborn but she gave birth to three dragons, the three stallions she will use to mount the world. Does this mean the Dothraki will conquer not only Westeros (which we are all waiting to see) but Esso's as well? Just remember that George R. R. Martin has always said that he wants to avoid prophecies that are too literal or too easy to fulfil, maybe the Stallion Who Mounts the World prophecy is much more complicated than that.


Varys (Conleth Hill) is sitting fanning himself in the Throne room, he seems to be waiting for Vala (Meena Rayann), she helped the Sons of the Harpy do a lot of their killing of the Unsullied by luring them in with her womanly ways, and she is also responsible for the injury to Grey Worm and Barristan Selmy's death last season.

Varys offers her three options, firstly she could be killed by them, secondly they could let her go and the Sons of the Harpy's will kill her, or thirdly she could think about her son. Vala thinks that Varys wants to kill him, but Varys explains to her that she misunderstands as he would never ever do the unthinkable and harm a child.

Varys has procured safe passage for Vala and her son on a ship leaving for Pentos that evening, if she tells him where the Sons of the Harpy are getting their money from, and he even throws in a huge bag of money for her troubles. Vala looks impressed especially when Varys mentions that she would a guard to help her carry the money.

Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) is bored as he, Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel), and Grey Worm (Jacob Anderson), are all waiting on Varys to start a small council meeting. Tyrion likes conversation but Missandei and Grey Worm aren't very chatty people, I laughed out loud when Tyrion asks them to talk as it he wasn't there, because he must have no idea that they have a thing.

Tyrion then asks them if they would like to play a game, Missandei mistakes this for what her old Master used to play with the girls, but Tyrion quickly corrects her before those game details are given. Tyrion decides instead that they should play a drinking game, Missandei tells him that they do not drink.

Tyrion then tries to think of a game which doesn't involve drinking, he suggests one which is sort of similar to have I ever, but then realises that the game does require all parties to drink. Varys then appears which seems to brighten up Tyrion's spirits, and he tells them that the Sons of the Harpy are being funded by all the men who are in charge of the other cities of Slaver's Bay.

Kings Landing

Varys' little birds are actually a bunch of little orphan children, maybe this is why he made the point that he would never harm children during his exchange with Vala earlier in this episode. Qyburn (Anton Lesser) has taken over responsibility of these Little Birds, he helps them with any troubles they have and gives them sweets for their information.

Ser Robert Strong (Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson) appears and the Little Birds smiles over that sweet have now disappeared and been replaced by fear. He is quickly joined by Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) and Cersei (Lena Headey). Jaime wants to know if Zombie Mountain can understand them, which displeases Ser Robert especially when Jaime asks if he's still as stupid as he always was.

Cersei wants some vengeance for what The High Sparrow did to her, she wants to hurt anyone who says anything bad about her. She wants him to have Little Bird's everywhere, Dorne, Highgarden, the North, Cersei is out for some blood. Remember last week when I said how much she was growing, well it seems like all she wants is a big bucket of vengeance.

During a small council meeting Grand Maester Pycelle (Julian Glover) is talking about the abomination that is Robert Strong/Gregor Clegane. Just as he is mid rant Ser Robert, Cersei and Jaime appear in the room to listen to the rest of Pycelle's thoughts. The rest of the small council seem to notice this and sit in uncomfortable silence as they listen.

Quick theory I want to throw out their, Cersei was just going on about killing all those who talk against her, does this mean that Pycelle will be next on the Ser Zombie Mountain kill list?

Pycelle then realises what has happened and like many of us would when we are faced with an undead Mountain we have just been be calling an abomination, he farted. Kevan Lannister (Ian Geldar) is Hand of the King and he along with the Queen of Thorns (Diana Rigg), and her son Mace Tyrell (Roger Ashton-Griffiths) want to know why they are here.

Jaime wants a seat on the Small Council as The Lord Commander is entitled to be on the council. Pycelle states that the Mad King had that custom but King Robert was against it. Jaime actually picks up a seat, takes it to the table and sits down anyway. Cersei who also has no right to be their sits down as well.

Both Jaime and Cersei want to discuss a war with Dorne over Myrcella, as well as a war with the Faith to free Ser Loras (Finn Jones) and Margaery (Natalie Dormer), but Kevan won't stand for it, he might not be able to stop them from sitting down but he doesn't have to listen to them and is shortly followed by the rest of the council. Kevan Lannister might also now be on Zombie Mountains kill list.

King Tommen (Dean Charles-Chapman) goes to visit The High Sparrow (Jonathan Pryce), he wants Cersei to be able to see Myrcella's final resting place but The High Sparrow reminds him that Cersei is up for trial against her crimes to the gods and cannot be permitted into a holy place until she has faced their judgement.

Tommen is pretty annoyed, he begins to share his displeasure with The High Sparrow and the King's Guard and Faith Militant seem to be seconds away from exchanging blows. This is quickly thwarted by The High Sparrow who tells his Faith Militant buddies to back off, which makes Tommen follow suit and his King's Guard step down.

The High Sparrow then asks if he can sit down and begins to manipulate Tommen into seeing his way of thinking. Tommen is so easily manipulated by everyone, it feels to me as if this trait is going to get him killed sooner than we all might think. I'm calling it, Tommen will be dead by the end of this season. 


Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) has had quite a hard time these past few seasons, she's saw her dad being beheaded, she's saw her brother dead with the head of his direwolf Grey Wind where his own head should have been. She left the Hound to die a very slow, very painful death, and she has had to become so many different people since she fled Kings Landing.

In Braavos however Arya's level one training seemed to take almost the entire season, which is why I was so glad this time when they decided to do a training montage instead. Arya has progressed so much in this episode, at first she had no idea where her stick was at times nevermind where the Waif (Faye Marsay) was as she was circling her to attack.

However as we hear Arya's backstory as she plays the game of faces with the Waif, her fighting begins to get better and better. She begins to get up off the ground and give the Waif a run for her money, Arya is learning to use her other reflexes which is vital as we want her to grow and mature as a fighter.

As we near the end of Arya's story we get a name drop, The Hound (Rory McCann). Arya was confused about him as he was on her list but she had later taken him off of it as he had became her friend. This is at the point where Arya actually becomes no one as she talks about Arya in the past tense.

Jaquen H'ghar (Tom Wlaschiha) has been watching her fighting grow this entire time, he plays the game of faces with Arya one more time before he is convinced that he has seen enough to give her the water that normally kills everyone else. If she is truly no one Arya will get her sight back, and this is exactly what happens.

Theory time - I think Arya is going to go dark, she will become a weapon, finish her training and be sent on several assignments. I think she will be so wrapped up in becoming no one that she could only snap into Arya again if she killed or almost killed someone that she loves. Possibly Gendry as he might become a threat to the throne when Tommen is killed as their is no more Baratheons to take his place.

I also think the Hound being named dropped and confirmation that the Mountain is Ser Robert Strong is not a coincidence. Cleganebowl anyone?


Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rheon) is greeted by a visitor, Smalljon Umber (Dean S. Jagger) who is here to swear fealty to his new Lord and Warden of the North. Smalljon is not too shy when it comes to saying what he thinks when it comes to Ramsay's father and how he feels about kneeling and kissing people's rings.

Smalljon is particularly annoyed at Lord Commander Jon Snow (Kit Harington) for allowing the wildlings onto lands beyond the wall as the Umber's are further North than anyone else and have been dealing with the threats from wildlings for centuries.Ramsay is very wary of Smalljon especially as he won't honor the ancient customs when it comes to swearing fealty. 

Smalljon however has a present for Ramsay to show how much that he can be trusted. Two people with sacks over their heads enter the room, Smalljon reveals the first mask and it's Osha (Natalia Tena), my heart was racing, we all know what that means, the other is revealed to be Rickon Stark (Art Parkinson).   

We know it's Rickon Stark but Ramsay doesn't know that, he doesn't know Rickon so he asks for proof. In a moment of heartbreak, Smalljon reveals the head of Shaggydog. I don't believe it, when I look at the size of Ghosts head compared to Jon it looks much bigger but Rickon did look very angry when this was revealed so what do I know?

I am going to talk about a book plot now so if you don't want any potential spoilers then please feel free to skip ahead to my last recap which is Castle Black.

Book fans, does anyone think that Smalljon Umber is taking over the Lord Manderly plot from the books? I know the show isn't using the Manderly character but it just seems that Smalljon is playing up this, I say what I think role to gain Ramsay's trust, maybe he'll even bake him some pies. It just seems to fit better than, oh I hated my dad and will go against him by helping to bring down the Starks even further.

Castle Black

I think the big question on everyone's mind this week was, why is Ghost whimpering at Jon? No, just me then? This week's episode started right after the last one left, Davos (Liam Cunningham) is staring in complete disbelief as we hear the deep breathes coming from Jon Snow. Can I just point out that it was his idea in the first place.

Jon seems to be having a panic attack as he begins to sit up, they spend a good few minutes with no dialogue as Jon is just checking out the gashes which are left on his body. Davos goes to him as Jon falls trying to stand up, wraps a cloak around him, and asks him what he remembers. Jon then tells him he can remember them stabbing him, his brothers.

Melisandre (Carice van Houten) then appears in the room, she looks like she has a spring in her step, she asks Jon what he saw when he was dead, and Jon tells her that there is nothing. This might put a chink in her faith but she still appears to be more like her old self stating that the Lord of Light must have wanted him to come back and that Jon is the Prince that was Promised.

Davos then kindly tells the lady to get out and begins counselling Jon. Jon is pretty hung up about his brothers killing him over what Jon thought was the right thing to do. He feels as though he has failed to which Davos is pleased about, failing is good now go and fail again.

Jon walks out the room and is greeted by some shocked wildlings and members of the Night's Watch. there faces all look in shock and amazement as he walks through them. Tormund (Kristofer Hivju) walks up and greets a surprised looking Jon with a big hug. He tells Jon that they all think he is a God but Tormund knows better as he got to see him naked.

Dolorous Edd (Ben Crompton) also runs up to Jon for a hug. He points out that Jon still has the same color of eyes meaning that he is thankfully not a White Walker, and makes a joke about Jon now having a sense of humour.

Jon is about to hang those at the Night's Watch who stabbed their knives into his torso (what about the ones that watched it happen), he goes down the line and hears from each individual person who stabbed him. When he gets to Ser Alliser (Owen Teale) he surprised me by actually being pretty humble, yes he did say that Jon would be fighting their battles forever but he could have said worse.

Jon then gets to the kid that everyone hates, first he kills Ygritte (Rose Leslie), and then he literally stabs Jon in the front. Olly (Brenock O'Connor) says absolutely nothing and instead chooses only to growl at Jon instead, showing that he hasn't accepted any responsibility for his actions. Jon takes out Longclaw and for a moment we think that he might not actually do it.

Jon cuts the rope hanging them all at once, at first it seems as if he can't look, but he does turn and watches as the life is sucked out of them all. When they are all dead Jon then turns, takes off his cloak and gives it over to Edd. Jon has literally fulfilled his oath and can now leave the Night's Watch for good.

Thoughts and Predictions

Overall this episode doesn't actually bother me, I understand that they have to lay the groundwork for every season and each episode has to fulfill that purpose. I actually like these kind of episodes as they seem to spark more theories for me than those action packed ones. I liked all the stuff with Bran and the Three Eyed Raven as I did the week before, it's so nice being able to see Bran walk around on his own, and it's nice to see moments from history which may not play as out we all thought.

The Tower of Joy fight sequence was beautiful to watch, but it may have shown Ned to not be as honorable as we have all thought, maybe throwing a little curveball at the idea that a man so honorable couldn't have gotten another woman pregnant. I do believe that R+L=J and I feel that is the direction that the show is going to go in, but it was nice for me to think about the endless possibilities of Jon's parentage.

Tyrion's scenes were great as usual, it was really nice seeing him trying to play parlour games with a bunch of slaves who have probably never gotten the chance to play before in their lives. I thought the conclusion of where the Son's of the Harpys money was coming from was a bit obvious though, could you imagine if it was actually Cersei who was funding them, but I suppose if you're going to free slaves then the slave masters are going to work together to destroy you.

Tommen is being too easily manipulated by everyone around him as I said above, but I also believe that The High Sparrow actually might think he is more powerful than he actually is. I don't believe that the small folk would root against the crown, unless the crown killed him turning him into a martyr of sorts.

I still am trying to figure out what piece of Jon is missing, I got really surprised when Ghost started to whimper, I would have expected him to be excitedly licking his face and jumping all over him. I hope their connection isn't lost as that would make me very sad but it would actually be nice to see Jon actually warging into Ghost this season.

If you liked this recap then please feel free to read some more of my work which will be linked below. Do you think Jon and Ghost will warg this season? Is Ned really as honorable as we all think? Leave your comments below.

Game of Thrones - Home Recap -

What's happening with Jon -

Pictures courtesy of HBO


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