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Showing posts from February, 2016

Oscar Predictions 2016

The Oscar's come but once a year, and this year I was really going to ignore them after all the controversy they have caused by snubbing several great movies (Beasts of No Nation, Creed, and my favourite movie of the year, Straight Outta Compton).  But after watching other reviewers talk about the Oscar's I started thinking about it, and then I started to get caught up in it. So long story short, I caved! Here is my list of who, not necessarily should win, but will win the Oscar for their category based on past winner's.  Best Picture I looked back at the last five Best Picture award winners. Three out of the five where all movies which were about the movie industry, but none of the nominee's this year are for a movie of that category.  The two other movies that won Oscar's in the past five years are both period pieces, Twelve Years A Slave and The King's Speech. So by this logic that narrows the list down to three movies, The Revenant, Broo

Daredevil Trailer Part 2!

Daredevil Part Two Trailer Dropped around an hour ago (yes this took me three hours) and I just cannot wait for the 18th of March. Part One was most Daredevil vs Punisher, Part Two delves more into the Hand as well as Matt's relationship with Elektra. I enjoyed the first part of this trailer more but I am still excited for it's release. In this trailer Elektra (Elodie Yung) is on Matt Murdocks (Charlie Cox) couch, and asks him if he would believe it if she said that she missed him, to which he responds with a no. Elektra asks for Matt's help, he is the only person she can trust. Matt replies that if she wanted to talk about trust she shouldn't have broken into his house. Turns out she needs someone to help her fight, and Matt fights better than anyone she knows. We then see Daredevil taking out a hallway of mercenaries, Elektra then runs her finger around her glass, we hear than she has some information, but Matt does not believe her. We see clips of men tying wh

Game of Thrones - The Hall of Faces Trailer and Theories!

I've been watching out for this trailer for the past week and was pretty excited to see some footage from the new season. Instead we got to see the faces of characters, some of whom are long lost, and others who have yet to leave us. SPOILER WARNING for those who haven't caught up with season five. The trailer takes place in the Hall of Faces, which is inside the House of Black and White in Braavos. The hall looks great, creepy but great. We can hear some whispers which are too quiet for me to make out. Then Ned's (Sean Bean) face appears on screen, we then hear him say a line from the show's first ever episode called Winter is Coming.    "The Man who passes the sentence should swing the sword." The screen then fades to black and we then see a clip of some more rows of heads. We then hear even more whispers and which I think sounds like some drops of waters. We then hear the voice of Robb Stark (Richard Madden) who we hear give a quote from seaso

United We Stand - Captain America Civil War Super Bowl Spot

United we stand, divided we fall! New Civil War TV spot was released during the Super Bowl this Sunday and only one thing was missing, and that would be Spider-Man. Yes we get to see some Ant-Man but I was looking forward to seeing a little glimpse of the Spidey himself. The trailer starts off with what looks like Captain America (Chris Evans) visiting Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan) who is in some form of cryofreeze. Falcon (Anthony Mackie) is on a rooftop and armed guards are getting ready to shoot as Winter Soldier and Cap appear in what looks like a similar tunnel/parking structure. Cap then takes out some soldiers, and there is a clip Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) looking distraught. Winter Soldier looks pissed as he runs into Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) which looks like it wasn't planned. All Tony has to defend himself is a glove with it's own Arc Reactor as he and Bucky go head to head the glove then saves him from a Bullet to the face. Black Widow (Scarle

Bourne is back! - Jason Bourne Trailer Recap and Review

Bourne is back guys, rejoice! Sorry Bond, but the Bourne Trilogy is by far my favorite action franchise. So, when I heard there was going to be a sequel which included Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass (Ultimatum/Supremacy) I was immediately on board. A thirty second spot for this movie was released last night during the Super Bowl and it looks like a Bourne movie I would be interested in watching. The trailer starts out with a group of guys circling Bourne as he fights against a guy who is twice his size, and in true Bourne fashion he makes quick work of this guy. The screen then cuts to what looks like a protest as armed guards strike civilians, and then we see a birds-eye view of this protest. Vincent Cassel's villainous character appear in a room filled with fire, as Bourne punches a guy with his gun from his motorcycle which he then shoots.  The spy community has found him as Ato Essandoh's character points out in the trailer. We then see clips of Bourne fi