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Suicide Squad Trailer!

Is this the real life? Is it just fantasy? I don't know, but what I do know is I loved this trailer the first time I watched it. I even called this DC's Guardians of the Galaxy. Then I rewatched it, and I released I just laughed at Jai Courtney (Boomerang). Then I remembered the Amazing Spider-Man Two, and then I began to freak out a little.

So I had to take a day or four to process this trailer. I didn't want to let me freaking out factor into this trailer, unless it was truly warranted. Overall I really do love this trailer. The music is a perfect fit in this chaotic world where bad guys become heroes. Jai Courtney is great as Boomerang in that opening shot, and he gets to speak in his natural accent which is a nice change. Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) is the talking point of this trailer and also steals it's opening as she has a cuppa while reading in her cell.

We see Deadshot (Will Smith) in his cell as he silently stares out of the window. This then cuts to some shots of our villains hanging out in their cells. We then see a dinner meeting with Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) and two men, Amanda then proposes her plan to recruit death row inmates to fight in dangerous black ops missions in exchange for clemency. We then see a squad of trained guards capture the inmates from there cell, some are smuggled in sacks, Deadshot is in a water container, and when Boomerang gets out of his he starts punching some soldiers.

We then get a run down of all the villains by Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman), Deadshot shoots people, Killer Croc (Adewala Akinnoye-Agbaje) is in fact a crocodile, El Diablo (Jay Hernandez) uses fire, and Enchantress (Cara Delevingne) is a witch. Harley Quinn is just plain crazy, the voices in her head pop up every now and again also.

We then see some action shots, which look very well done. We find out that the team are all going to be doing something bad, which might get them killed. We then see the team taking out bad guys, Harley Quinn looks like she might be trying to escape in an elevator, or maybe she's going to rob some more stuff. I like how the music then sinks to every action, be in by fighting or a simple puff of the hair. The Joker (Jared Leto) then appears wanting to play with some toys, we then see more crazy Joker with a machine gun and then torturing someone.

The Joker's Lamborghini is then shown, followed by Enchantress in the White House. We then hear the Joker's laugh which is spot on as he lies surrounded by knives and guns. Katana (Karen Fukuhara) then appears with her Soultaker sword as the rest of the gang gear up for battle. Boomerang then quietly has a sip of beer before things get crazy as Katana goes into Soul taking mode, Harley Quinn dances, missiles are being fired, while, "Worst Heroes Ever," appears on the screen to Scott Eastwood's character fist bumping another soldier and a guy dressed as a Panda shooting people.

Then we see a short clip of Joker followed by Killer Croc v. Katana and what looks like Dr. Harleen F. Quinzel before she became Harley. Deadshot then fires his wrist guns at some people, while Harley wields a baseball bat and a mysterious subway creature which looks like it may have some Groot like powers appears. June Moone appears in her human form, as El Diablo shoots fire at people, followed by some more clips before Joker jumps into a pool of acid to retrieve/baptise Harley Quinn.

We then see the squad interact with Rick Flag, more clips of Joker, along with a crash and Harley with Joker in his car.We then see Harley having a tarzan moment, a tree which looks very mystical (might be tied in with the tree like creature from the subway). Then we see Harley break a window display in order to steal a cute shiny bag. Remember, they are the bad guys, it's what they do!

My Thoughts Overall

Overall I really enjoyed this trailer, it had just enough in it to forward the story but it didn't show enough for me to feel that the movie has now been spoiler. I like all the character that we have had time with. I feel like they have been significantly developed. I like that I don't know every character but they ones that they have introduced have been done well. I enjoy the visuals, that picture above look like it came out of a painting. I'm now really looking forward to August to see what this movie has in store. If they get it as right as the trailer I believe that Suicide Squad may be the one to take the best superhero movie 2016 award. It does have some stellar competition but I don't know, I've just got that feeling.

Like this post then check out some of my old posts below. Thanks for reading.

The Force Awakens Review -

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Pictures Courtesy of Warner Brothers Pictures.


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