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Showing posts from June, 2016

Game of Thrones - Why Daenerys Will Win...

According to Tyrion Lannister playing the Great Game can be terrifying, one wrong move and our favourite characters heads could end up on a pike, but get it right and you can soon be sitting on the greatest (and most uncomfortable) throne of them all. SPOILERS   for everything we have seen in the show so far ending at the season finale, so if you haven't seen it then come back when you are all caught up. Until Someone Younger, more Beautiful... At the end of the season we got a new ruler, Queen Cersei Lannister (the first of her name) has taken power for herself just after her son, Tommen, jumped out a window after the death of his wife. Cersei is set to rule, but she will not rule for very long, not only because of an upcoming Northern Rebellion, but also because Daenerys is setting sail across the narrow sea, and hopefully landing on Westerosi soil at the start of the next season. We saw Cersei receive a prophecy at the start of season five, which could ind...

Game of Thrones - The Battle of The Bastards Recap and Finale Predictions

Last Sunday’s episode of Game of Thrones was one of the best I have ever seen, it felt like the two pillars of the series (fire and ice) where finally getting things done, and instead of politics we instead got some beautifully crafted action. Usually I recap every scene but in this week’s post I’ve decided, due to the copious amount of action in this episode, to instead give a short recap and review. This post will contain SPOILERS for those of you who haven’t seen this episode, so go watch it when you have the time and then come back here later. Got it? Ok, let’s do this. Daenerys V. The Masters The episode opened with an amazing shot of a catapult being launched from one of the Masters ships and the fiery bolder as it flies through the air before hitting the city of Meereen. Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) is on her balcony high atop the great pyramid watching the chaos below her, Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage) joins her in her quarters, and he tells h...

Game of Thrones - No One

This week’s Game of Thrones had some great moments but was a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to fan reaction. Book fans got trolled, and the rest of the fans had to say goodbye to a certain area. SPOILERS will be discussed for this week’s episode, No One. Riverlands A group of the Brotherhood without Banners are sitting around a fire talking about ladies, a younger member has yet to kiss a girl, and an older member teaches him how just before shoving his finger up his backside. The Hound (Rory McCann) appears in the distance axe in hand, it’s like a shot from terminator as he slowly catches up to the group, beheading and killing everyone in his path. The Hound leaves the brother who tried to finger the bum last, he stabs him in the gut, and asks him where he can find the other one (Lem Lemoncloak). The Brother won’t give him any information instead saying, “Fuck you,” to The Hound who mocks him saying, “Those are your last words, fuck you? Come on you can do be...