According to Tyrion Lannister playing the Great Game can be terrifying, one wrong move and our favourite characters heads could end up on a pike, but get it right and you can soon be sitting on the greatest (and most uncomfortable) throne of them all. SPOILERS for everything we have seen in the show so far ending at the season finale, so if you haven't seen it then come back when you are all caught up. Until Someone Younger, more Beautiful... At the end of the season we got a new ruler, Queen Cersei Lannister (the first of her name) has taken power for herself just after her son, Tommen, jumped out a window after the death of his wife. Cersei is set to rule, but she will not rule for very long, not only because of an upcoming Northern Rebellion, but also because Daenerys is setting sail across the narrow sea, and hopefully landing on Westerosi soil at the start of the next season. We saw Cersei receive a prophecy at the start of season five, which could ind...
I decided to breathe new life into this site by broadening my views into alot of different topics; instead of just Movies and Television talk I decided to talk about my life, world news, books, toys, and a whole bunch of random other topics that may or may not entirely matter.