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Showing posts from May, 2016

Game of Thrones - The Door

HOLD THE DOOR! - This week's episode of Game of Thrones did not fail to deliver in every possible way, a new King rose, we have some more theories confirmed, and we got to see the origin of a species we have been fixated on since the very first scene of this show. As always I am issuing a  SPOILER WARNING for this post, so if you haven't had the chance to watch this episode yet, then please go watch it and come back here when you're done. Castle Black While Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) is sewing in her quarters at Castle Black, a Brother of the Night's Watch enters and hands her a letter while bears a familiar crest. She goes to meet Littlefinger (Aidan Gillen) in the brothel in Mole's Town, which was completely destroyed at the hands of Ygritte (Rose Leslie) in the show's fourth season. But Sansa hasn't gone to see him completely alone, she is smarter than that, she has brought Brienne (Gwendoline Christie) along to protect her. Littlefinger is

Game of Thrones - Book of the Stranger

This week's episode of Game of Thrones was yet another great one, the main theme's throughout Book of the Stranger seemed to be one of reunions and strong women standing up for what they believe in. For those who haven't seen this episode, go watch it and come back when you're done because SPOILERS ARE COMING!  Castle Black The episode starts with a nice shot of Longclaw (Jon's sword) as it is being picked up by Dolorous Edd (Ben Crompton). Edd is helping a Stark armoured Jon Snow (Kit Harington) with his packing, they talk about where Jon will go, sounds like he wants to chase the sunshine, and can we blame him? Edd is concerned about the events of Hardhome, remember The Night's King and his entire undead army?  Edd can't understand why Jon would leave them when he saw for himself what was coming, but Jon tells him he can't stay at the Wall with his brothers who wanted him dead. A horn sounds signaling a new arrival at the gate, and it

Game of Thrones - Oathbreaker

This week's Game of Thrones took a lot out of me, what can I say the Tower of Joy flashback was such a tease, but I suppose the third episode of the season wasn't going to confirm any of those specific theories that all the book readers (including myself) have came up with every since they read a specific fever dream scene. If you haven't had a chance to watch this episode then please go watch it and come back when you're done to read my recap, review and possible theories for the show moving forward. SPOILERS ARE COMING. The Love Boat to Oldtown Sam (John Bradley) and Gilly (Hannah Murray) are making their way to Oldtown by boat, Sam is having a pretty hard time with Seasickness and Gilly is trying to take his mind off it by talking about what they might see in Oldtown when they all get their. Sam decides that now would be the best time to tell Gilly that she won't be making it to Oldtown. The Maesters at the Citadel don't allow women, so Sam